The Unlinked Orders dashboard helps merchants on the BigCommerce platform identify when and where unlinked orders are occurring.
If you do not use BigCommerce, this dashboard does not apply.
Unlinked Transaction Ratio
The Unlinked Transaction Ratio graph compares the total of successful orders placed per day to the total of unlinked orders occurring per day. The orange bars represent successful orders; the blue bars represent unlinked orders.
Unlinked Orders by Day
The Unlinked Orders by Day graph shows a daily total of unlinked orders.
Total Unlinked Orders by Division
The Total Unlinked Orders by Division graph shows a total of unlinked orders, broken down by the merchant’s individual divisions (e.g., multiple storefronts and back office divisions).
Unlinked Orders Table
The Unlinked Orders Table enables you to quickly see a sortable list of unlinked orders across all merchant divisions. This table includes all of the following information:
- Division: The Merchant’s division that handled the order.
- Transaction Date: The date the order was placed.
- Transaction ID: The unique ID of the transaction for the order.
- Order Reference: The merchant’s unique ID for the order.
- Transaction Reference: The unique Bolt ID for the order.
Unlinked Orders by Division Over Time
The Unlinked Orders by Division Over Time graph enables you to comparatively visualize the number of unlinked orders for each week across all divisions.
- Date From: The beginning of your selected date range
- Merchant division: The merchant division(s) within scope; default
See the Controls section for a list of all options.