Custom UI Copy enables merchants to change the Bolt Checkout modal’s default messaging across most of its major touch points, including: discount application, shipping detail entry, and error messages. These customizations are available on the division-level, meaning you can craft unique messaging for each storefront associated to your merchant account.
Reach out to Bolt Support to update the Bolt Checkout modal’s UI copy.
Platform | Supported Products |
Custom Cart / Direct API |
Supported for Bolt Embedded Accounts. |
UI Customization Options
Use the following lists to compile all of your Custom UI Copy changes.
Text Key | Default Text |
discount/applied | DISCOUNT APPLIED |
discount/apply | APPLY |
discount/codePlaceholder | DISCOUNT |
discount/error | Discount is not applicable |
discount/invalid | Invalid discount |
discount/label | Discount |
discount/label-plural | Discounts |
discount/link | + DISCOUNT |
discount/offer_claimed | OFFER CLAIMED |
discount/remove_error | Sorry we weren’t able to remove {{ discount_code }}. Please try again. |
Gift Card
Text Key | Default Text |
giftCard/cardNumber | Card number |
giftCard/inputTitle | Enter Gift/E-Gift/Store credit |
giftCard/invalid | Invalid Card Number or PIN |
giftCard/label | Ending in |
giftCard/link | + GIFT/E-GIFT/STORE CREDIT |
giftCard/pinNumber | PIN |
giftCard/title | Gift Card |
Text Key | Default Text |
cart/delivery | Delivery |
cart/discount | Discount |
cart/orderSummary | Order Summary |
cart/shipping | Shipping |
cart/subtotal | Subtotal |
cart/tax | Tax |
cart/taxes | Taxes |
cart/total | Total |
cart/updating | Updating… |
Shipping Details Form
To improve the speed and performance of the checkout bundle, the system only renders flags for the ten (10) most commonly-used countries (shippingInfo/form/phone/countryCode/flagicon/img/alt
Text Key | Default Text |
shippingInfo/form/addAddressLine2Link | + APARTMENT, BUILDING, FLOOR |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine1/error/missing | Address required |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine1/error/unsupported | Unsupported shipping (PO box) |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine1/label | Street address |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine2/error/missing | Address required |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine2/error/unsupported | Unsupported shipping (PO box) |
shippingInfo/form/addressLine2/label | Apartment, building, floor (optional) |
shippingInfo/form/city/error/missing | City required |
shippingInfo/form/city/label | City |
shippingInfo/form/company/button | + Add Company |
shippingInfo/form/company/error/missing | Company name required |
shippingInfo/form/company/label | Company name |
shippingInfo/form/company/label/optional | Company name (optional) |
shippingInfo/form/country/error/missing | Country required |
shippingInfo/form/country/error/notsupported | Can’t ship to country |
shippingInfo/form/country/select/label | Country |
shippingInfo/form/email/error/invalid | Invalid email |
shippingInfo/form/email/error/missing | Email required |
shippingInfo/form/firstName/error/limit | First name too long |
shippingInfo/form/firstName/error/missing | First name required |
shippingInfo/form/firstName/label | First name |
shippingInfo/form/lastName/error/limit | Last name too long |
shippingInfo/form/lastName/error/missing | Last name required |
shippingInfo/form/lastName/label | Last name |
shippingInfo/form/phone/countryCode/flagicon/img/alt | country code selected |
shippingInfo/form/phone/countryCode/label | Select Country Code |
shippingInfo/form/phone/error/invalid | Invalid phone |
shippingInfo/form/phone/error/missing | Phone required |
shippingInfo/form/postalCode/error/invalid | Invalid postal code |
shippingInfo/form/postalCode/error/missing | Postal code required |
shippingInfo/form/province/error/invalid | Invalid Province |
shippingInfo/form/province/select/label | Province |
shippingInfo/form/region/error/invalid | Invalid Region |
shippingInfo/form/region/select/label | Region |
shippingInfo/form/state/error/invalid | Invalid State |
shippingInfo/form/state/error/notsupported | Can’t ship to state |
shippingInfo/form/state/select/label | State |
shippingInfo/form/state/textInput/label | Region/Province |
shippingInfo/form/zip/error/invalid | Invalid ZIP |
shippingInfo/form/zip/error/missing | ZIP required |
shippingInfo/form/zip/label | ZIP |
Shipping Options
Text Key | Default Text |
shippingOptions/addDeliveryNotes | + ADD DELIVERY NOTES |
shippingOptions/deliveryNoteLabel | Delivery notes |
shippingOptions/estimatedDeliveryDate | Estimated Delivery Date: |
shippingOptions/mobile/collapsed | Standard shipping |
shippingOptions/mobile/error | We were unable to find any delivery options. Please try again or enter an alternative address. |
shippingOptions/mobile/loadingFirst | Finding available options… |
shippingOptions/mobile/loadingSecond | Still finding delivery options. Go ahead and enter your payment first… |
shippingOptions/mobile/tryAgain | TRY AGAIN |
shippingOptions/selectShipping/loadMoreOptions | + Load more options |
shippingOptions/selectShipping/loadingMoreOptions/guest | Continue below or wait for more options |
shippingOptions/selectShipping/loadingMoreOptions/loggedIn | Pay now or wait for more options |
shippingOptions/selectShipping/selectShippingOption | Select shipping option |
shippingOptions/selectShipping/showMoreOptions | + Show more options |
Order Notes
Text Key | Default Text |
orderNotes/label | Order notes (optional) |
orderNotes/placeholder | Delivery, gift, or special instructions |
Payment Form
Text Key | Default Text |
payment/form/cardNumber/label | Card number |
payment/form/ccn/error/invalid | Invalid card number |
payment/form/ccn/error/missing | Card number required |
payment/form/ccn/error/unsupported | Unsupported card network |
payment/form/complete | Complete order |
payment/form/cvv/error/invalid | Invalid CVV |
payment/form/cvv/error/missing | CVV required |
payment/form/cvv/fourDigit/tooltip | The CVV/Security Code is the 4-digit code on the front of your card. |
payment/form/cvv/label | CVV |
payment/form/cvv/threeDigit/tooltip | The 3-digit CVV is placed on the back of most cards. American Express uses 4-digits on the front. |
payment/form/exp/label | Expiration |
payment/form/expiry/error/expired | Card expired |
payment/form/expiry/error/invalid | Invalid expiration |
payment/form/expiry/error/missing | Expiration required |
payment/form/firstName/label | First name |
payment/form/lastName/label | Last name |
payment/form/loading | Loading |
payment/form/payButton | Pay {{ amount }} |
payment/form/processing | Processing |
payment/form/securityAndPrivacy | We protect your payment information using encryption to provide bank-level security. |
payment/form/securityAndPrivacy/short | We provide bank-level encryption and security. |
payment/form/zip/label | ZIP |
payment/form/zip/placeholder | ZIP |
Custom Notices
See our dedicated Custom Notices reference article for more information.
Text Key | Default Text |
order/customNotice | None |
payment/customNotice | None |
shipping/customNotice | None |
shippingInfo/customNotice | None |
Text Key | Default Text |
error/address | Invalid Shipping Address! |
error/amountTooLow | Order amount too low |
error/authorize/tooManyRequests | Your order was not processed due to abnormally high traffic on our website. Please try again in a few minutes. If you are unable to check out after your next attempt, reach out to {{ merchantSupportEmail }} for assistance. |
error/checkout/tooManyRequests | Our system is currently experiencing high traffic. Please click exit checkout and wait a few minutes before trying again. |
error/codeAlreadyUsed | Code already used |
error/discount | Discount is not valid. |
error/discountCannotBeRemoved | Error: discount not removed |
error/discountCodeExpired | Code has expired |
error/discountCodeInsufficientInformation | Error: code not applied |
error/discountCodeInvalid | Code does not exist |
error/discountCodeItemsNotEligible | Ineligible |
error/discountCodeLimitReached | Exceeded usage limit |
error/discountCodeMinCartAmountRequired | Order amount too low |
error/discountCodeNotAvailable | Promo hasn’t started |
error/discountCodeRequiresPlatformLogin | Code requires login |
error/discountCodeUniqueEmailRequired | Code already used |
error/giftCardBalanceEmpty | Gift card has an empty balance |
error/giftCardHasInsufficientFund | Gift card has insufficient funds |
error/giftCardNumberInvalid | Gift card number is invalid |
error/giftCardPinInvalid | Gift card pin is invalid |
error/invalidOrder | Invalid order! |
error/maxAmount | Order total is too big! |
error/mobile/requiredCheckbox | You must check the box above to proceed. |
error/noApplicableItem | No eligible items found |
error/order | Something went wrong. |
error/orderCreation | Please refresh the page and attempt to checkout again. If the problem persists, reach out to {{ email }} to complete your transaction. |
error/paymentDeclined | Your payment was declined. Please enter a new payment method. |
error/poBox | Address with P.O. Box is not allowed. |
error/requiredCheckbox | Please acknowledge the notice by checking the box to proceed. |
error/requiredCustomField | Please acknowledge the notice by filling out all required fields to proceed. |
error/shipping | Delivery is not available for this order. |
error/shippingCostTooHigh | Delivery method ineligible |
error/timeout | Service timeout occurred. |
error/unable | Unable to checkout |
error/undeliverable | This address is not deliverable according to the USPS |
error/undeliverableAddressFieldPrompt | Enter a new address |
error/updateCardTryLater | Please update your cart or try again later. |
error/userNotEligible | Error: code not applied |
errors/no_shipping_options_details | Please verify your shipping state and postal code. If the error persists, contact {{ support_email }} to complete your transaction. |
Text Key | Default Text |
paypalBilling/completeText | Complete your transaction via PayPal. |
paypalBilling/connectedSubText | Pay with PayPal |
paypalBilling/connectedText | Connected to PayPal |
paypalBilling/label | Paypal |
paypalBilling/newTab | PayPal will open in a new tab. |
Text Key | Default Text |
accountCreation/networkBullet2 | Shop hundreds of <1></1> with Bolt’s passwordless login |
accountCreation/securityBullet2 | Bank-level security & account protection |
accountCreation/stores | stores |
accountCreation/trackOrderBullet2 | Real-time tracking updates in select stores |
accountCreation/updatedText | Save my information for a faster checkout |