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How to view shipping analytics in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.

Shipping metrics display information about fulfillments and data surrounding the shipping methods available on your store.

shipping analytics

Shipping Analytics

Metric Type Description
Total Shipments Table Displays chosen shipping provider, cost of shipping, number of orders and average shipping costs across dimensions.
Transactions by Shipping Type Visualization Shows total amount of shipping costs with a comparison of shipping types across dimensions.
Shipments by Status Bar Graph Shows number of shipments in different statuses (delivered, pre transit, unknown) across dimensions.
Shipments by Carrier Visualization Shows the total number of shipments broken down by carrier.
Time from Order to Shipping Chart Shows time from when item(s) were ordered to shipment in days across dimensions.
Average Shipping Time and Time from Order to Delivery Chart Displays the average time in days it takes for an order to be fulfilled.
% Return to Sender Shipments Chart Percentage of shipments returned to sender across dimensions.
% Cancelled Shipments Chart Percentage of shipments cancelled across dimensions.


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