📍 Bolt Help / Dashboard / Checkout Settings / reCAPTCHA
This feature prevents bots from checking out on your store.


Merchants can add reCAPTCHA (powered by Google) to their checkout experience for added security against bot attacks (e.g., a bot quickly checking out with many different credit cards). Bolt’s reCAPTCHA adds no friction to the shopper’s checkout experience.


Platform Supported Products


Custom Cart / Direct API

Magento 1

Adobe Commerce / Magento 2

(Adobe acquired the Magento brand in May 2018.)

Salesforce Commerce Cloud SFRA

  • Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout.
    • Bolt allows checkout integrations for site built with SFRA (Salesforce Resource Architecture).




Reach out to your customer success manager to enable this feature.

When reCAPTCHA is enabled, merchants can set a threshold (between 0.1-0.9) for accepting orders. Shoppers given a score above the defined threshold receive a reCAPTCHA token associated to their cart that allows them to complete checkout.

reCAPTCHA failure

If a shopper fails reCAPTCHA, an error is presented and they must try to check out again.

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