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Risk Analytics
How to view risk analytics in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.

Risk Analytics displays key metrics like approval rates and rejection rates across dimension such as device type (e.g., mobile).


Risk Analytics

Metric Type Description
Network Approval Rate Table List of network approval rates (Amex, Discover, Mastercard, Visa) as a percentage of orders in the defined scope
Overall Approval Rate by Network Chart Approval rate percentage across all dimensions (network, web, mobile, desktop) in the defined scope.
Order Counts by Status Chart Monthly total Bolt Rejected and Bolt Approved orders.
Order Approval Rate by Platform Chart Percentage of orders approved order platforms.

Transaction Review Tickets

You can review a table of all re-reviews submitted by your team and track their status using the following fields.

Field Name Description
Merchant Division The subdivision of your merchant account that handled the transaction.
Original Tx Reference The original alpha-numeric transaction reference unique to Bolt.
Opened By The representative who opened the review request.
Status The status of the transaction’s review (OPEN or CLOSED).
Review Creation Date The date the review request was made.
Review Complete Date The date the review was completed by Bolt.
Original Txn Date The date of the shopper’s transaction.
Notes Notes from the representative who submitted the review request.


  • Date From: The beginning of your selected date range
  • Date To: The end of your selected date range
  • Merchant Division: The merchant division(s) within scope; default all


Start Date
End Date
Merchant Division
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