📍 Bolt Help / Dashboard / Checkout Settings / Delivery Subtext
Delivery Subtext
Add up to 60 characters of text below delivery options in checkout (via API).


Delivery Subtext Example

Merchants who offer specialized delivery services that need more explanation than offered by standard shipping methods. With this feature, they will have the ability to add additional delivery text with a limit of sixty (60) characters. You can choose to display a description or a tooltip.


Platform Supported Products

Custom Cart / Direct API

Enable Delivery Description via API

  1. See our Order Shipping documentation in our Merchant Callback API.
  2. Populate the description field in the shipping_options array.
  3. Then, the checkout modal will display a description, as specified.
Field Description Data Type Example
description Displays text below the delivery values in checkout. String. <span>Deliveries arrive within 2-3 business days.</span>

Enable Delivery Tooltip via API

  1. See our Order Shipping documentation in our Merchant Callback API.
  2. Populate the description_tooltips array in the shipping_options array (target and html_content).
  3. Then, the checkout modal will display tooltip hover text, as specified.
Field Description Data Type Example
target Creates a unique ID of the span used to display the tooltip. String. sampleTooltipID1234Bolt
html_content The copy that will appear in a span labeled with the unique ID created with the target parameter. It supports up to 120 characters. String. <a href="https://sample-site.com/promo/">Visit our site to learn more about getting this shipment free!</a>
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