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Shopper Analytics
How to view shopper analytics in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.

Shopper Analytics displays key metrics for understanding the lifetime value of your shoppers, spending trends, and return frequency.

Shopper Analytics

Metric Type Description
Bolt One-Click Accounts Created Value Displays the total amount of Bolt Accounts created.
Total GMV and % from Bolt Account Shoppers Visualization Displays the total GMV per month with the percentage of GMV attributed to Bolt accounts.
Sum of Transactions Visualization Displays transactions per month broken down by Shopper Type (Bolt Merchant, Bolt Network, Guest and Registration).
Bolt Merchant Accounts Created Chart Displays the origin of store accounts created per month, broken down by percentage (Account Activation, Checkout, Order Tracking, Other, Shopper Assistant, Store Login).
Registration Rate of Guest Shoppers Graph Shows the total amount of guest transactions per month and percentage of guests who registered for a Bolt account.
Average Number of Orders per Shopper Table The average order count per shopper broken down by Merchant Accounts, Bolt Accounts, Guests, and blended (all).
Average Spend Per Shopper Table The average spend in USD per shopper broken down by Merchant Accounts, Bolt Accounts, Guests, and blended (all).
Average Number of Orders per Shopper per Year Graph The average order count over a calendar year for a shopper, broken down by Merchant Accounts, Bolt Accounts, and Guests.

Shopper Information Table

The shopper information table provides a top-down view into the full roster of shoppers participating with your storefronts across all divisions. With the Shopper Information table, you can review all of the following details:

Field Description
Unique ID The unique order ID.s
First Name The first name of the shopper.
Last Name The last name of the shopper.
Email The email associated with the shopper.
Account Type The account type the shopper uses (Bolt Account, Merchant Account)
Latest Transaction Date The last date the shopper made a purchase.
Earliest Transaction Date The date of the shopper’s first purchase.
Total Orders The Shopper’s total number of orders placed.
Total Spend The current total a shopper has spent in USD at the merchant’s store.
Average Order Value The average order total in USD that the shopper spends.


  • Date From: The beginning of your selected date range
  • Date To: The end of your selected date range
  • Account Type: The type of account used by a shopper to place an order (Bolt Account, Merchant Account, or Guest)
  • Account Creation: The origination of the account if applicable (e.g., pre-existing on the Bolt Network or new )
  • Platform: The device type used by the shopper to complete checkout.
  • Merchant Division: The merchant division(s) within scope; default all