📍 Bolt Help / Dashboard / Analytics / Payment Analytics Payment Analytics How to view payment analytics in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard. Page Contents Click to expand. Payment Analytics displays a breakdown of revenue by method of payment (e.g., card network). Payment Analytics Metric Type Description Revenue by Payment Type Line Graph Weekly aggregation of revenue organized by payment types (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc). Transactions by Payment Type Line Graph List of payment types (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc) broken down by total transactions. Payment Processing Fees by Type Line Graph Displays payment processing fees by payment type. Transactions by Payment Type Line Graph Weekly aggregation of transaction count broken down by payment types. Avg Order Value Bar Graph Average order value broken down by payment type for the defined scope. Refund Amount by Payment Type Chart Displays the monthly total value of refunds by payment type. Number of Refunded Transactions by Payment Type Chart Displays a count of refunded transactions for each month by payment type. Average Refund Amount by Payment Type Chart Displays the average refund amount per month for each payment type. Future Funding Amount Chart Displays future expected funding from payment processors. Historical Funding Table Day and funding payment amount. Historical Funding Chart Day and Funding Payment amount. Controls Data Start Date End Date Payment Type Platform Type Merchant Division