📍 Bolt Help / Dashboard / Analytics / Network Analytics Network Analytics How to view accounts associated with the Bolt Network in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard. Page Contents Click to expand. The Network dashboard helps merchants understand the spread of their shoppers across their own account platform as compared to Bolt’s Account Network. These reports can give you insight on Bolt Network Shoppers making purchases. Reports Graph Value Definition Bolt Accounts Created - All Time Count Shows the total number of shoppers that created a Bolt Account through the merchant’s website to date. Bolt’s Current Total Network Size Count Shows the total number of shoppers to date in the Bolt Network that have a Bolt Account, cross merchant. Total GMV and Percentage from Cross Network Transactions U.S. Dollars (USD) Total sales from cross network shoppers compared to the Percentage of that GMV Cross Network Transactions divided by Total GMV. GMV from Cross Network Transactions U.S. Dollars (USD) Total amount of sales from cross network transactions to date. Industry Source of Cross Network Transactions Count Count of cross network transactions by the industry from which the Bolt account was created. Distribution of Transactions by Shopper Type Percentage The percentage of all completed transactions came from each shopper type. Bolt Accounts Created Count The number of shoppers that created a Bolt account on the merchant’s website during the selected time frame Registration Rate of Guest Shoppers Percentage Percentage of Guest Shoppers that create a Bolt account. Average Spend per Shopper U.S. Dollars (USD) To date, sum of all GMV divided by the number of shoppers by shopper type. Avg Order Value (AOV) U.S. Dollars (USD) In the filtered time frame, the sum of GMV divided by the number of transactions. GMV by Purchase Type U.S. Dollars (USD) GMV segmented by shopper type. Metrics Metric Value Definition Guest Shopper Count Shopper without an existing Bolt account. Cross Network Shopper Count Shopper created their Bolt account on a different merchant within Bolt’s network. Bolt Merchant Account Shopper Count Shopper created their Bolt account on the merchant’s website. Total GMV U.S. Dollars (USD) Total Gross Merchandise Value in U.S. dollars of sales through Bolt. Registration Count Shopper created a Bolt account on the merchant’s website. Guest Transactions Count The number of transactions from guest shoppers Filters Start Date: The beginning of your selected date range. End Date: The end of your selected date range. Controls See the Controls section for a list of all options.