Bolt Help / Release Changelog / GA: Late June Roundup
The New
- Checkout Modal: Merchants now have the option to customize the copy of the account registration checkbox for Bolt accounts created from their storefronts.
- Checkout Modal: Merchants now have the option to hide the bulleted list of value propositions beneath the account registration checkbox.
- Checkout Modal: The Bolt Checkout modal now supports using a custom text field. This enables merchants to provide extra content, such as unique Terms & Conditions, to the checkout experience.
- Checkout Modal: The Guest Checkout flow now supports all of the following custom fields during the Shipping step:
- dropdowns
- checkboxes
- text fields
- Checkout Modal: Merchants now have the option to move Bolt’s Terms & Conditions above the Pay button in the Bolt Checkout modal.
The Improved
- Checkout Modal: Bolt’s Terms & Conditions that are displayed in the Checkout modal have been updated.