📍 Bolt Help / Platforms / Salesforce Commerce Cloud / SFCC V2 - Managed Checkout / Install SSO Install SSO Learn how to integrate SSO with SFCC/SFRA V2 for Bolt. Page Contents Click to expand. Before You Start You are using V2 of the SFCC/SFRA plugin with OCAPI. You have configured SFCC within Business Manager and the Bolt Admin Dashboard. Ensure you’re using the latest version of the Bolt SFCC cartridge. You have already replaced default checkout buttons with Bolt buttons. INFO It is optional to match a guest customer’s order to a new account if they’ve chosen to create one. Remove the confirmation redirect controller to skip this code. Installation In Business Manager, navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preference > Bolt Payment Settings > Enable Bolt SSO Select Yes and click Save. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Open Commerce API Settings an ensure the following resouces are included: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH customer_lists GET /{site_id}/customers/* Contact your Bolt CSM and request they add the following Division URLs {SFCC URL}/Login-OAuthRedirectBolt {SFCC URL}Login-Logout Example mystore.com/Sites-RefArch-Site/en_US/Login-OAuthRedirectBolt Request that your CSM enable the following feature flag: bolt_sso