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SFRA Order Status Mapping
View platform operations & order statuses for Salesforce SFRA.

Order Review and Status Changes

As Bolt processes the order, it transitions through several different statuses:

SFCC order status SFCC payment status SFCC Export Status SFCC Confirmation Status Bolt Status Description
Created Not Paid Not Exported Pending The order is created in Bolt but is under fraud review. Payment is not yet captured.
New / Open Not Paid Ready for Export Confirmed Authorized The Bolt transaction has passed fraud review and the transaction is authorized. Payment is not yet captured.
New / Open Paid Ready for Export Confirmed Completed The Bolt transaction is fully captured.
New / Open Partially Paid Not Exported Confirmed Authorized The payment amount is partially captured.
New / Open Paid Ready for Export Confirmed Completed The payment amount is fully captured.
New / Open Partially Paid Not Exported Completed The payment amount is partially refunded.
Cancelled Not Paid Not Exported Completed The payment amount is fully refunded.
Cancelled Not Paid Not Exported Cancelled The Bolt transaction is voided.
Failed Not Paid Not Exported Rejected_irreversible The Bolt transaction is rejected for fraud.
Created Not Paid Not Exported Not Confirmed Rejected_reversible The transaction is suspected of being fraudulent, but the merchant may force override the decision.
New / Open Not Paid Ready for Export Confirmed Authorized The Bolt transaction has been force-approved.
Failed Not Paid Not Exported Not Confirmed Failed Authorization The payment was declined by the payment processor.

Order Status Definitions

Status Definition
Created An order exists in the system but has not been processed with payment or it’s in fraud pending status if fraud protection is enabled.
New / Open The order is placed and SFRA generates an invoice number. This usually means a payment has been authorized for the order.
Failed The system releases the order’s inventory due to payment decline or other reasons. Orders can only move to Failed status from Created status.
Cancelled The order is cancelled either per customer’s request or declined by fraud check
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