📍 Bolt Help / Platforms / Salesforce Commerce Cloud / SFCC V2 - Managed Checkout / SFCC/SFRA V2 Checkout Installation Guide
SFCC/SFRA V2 Checkout Installation Guide
Learn how to integrate Version 2 of Bolt for Salesforce Commerce Cloud's SFRA.


Review Data Flows to understand how data passes between the Shopper, Bolt’s API, Bolt’s backend and OCAPI.

Before You Start

  • You must have a storefront with a base cartridge up and running.
  • The Bolt integration requires OCAPI access to all of the following data elements:
    • Baskets: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    • Orders: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH
    • Customers: GET, POST
    • Products: GET
    • Stores: GET
    • Promotions: GET
    • Sites: GET, PUT
    • CustomerLists: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH
  • Ensure your CDN allows the above request methods, otherwise these requests may break communication between Bolt and your storefront.
  • This integration requires System Object Extension to store payment-related information and basket-related information.

Upload Cartridge to SFCC DigitalServer

  1. Clone the Bolt cartridge from this GitHub Repository
  2. Create a config file called dw.json in the root of the directory that contains the Bolt cartridges with the following information. Replace YOUR_HOST with your host name, USERNAME with your user name, PASSWORD with your password, and YOUR_CODE_VERSION with your site’s code version.
     "hostname": "YOUR_HOST.demandware.net", //without http// or https://
     "username": "USERNAME",
     "password": "PASSWORD",
     "cartridge": ["cartridge A", "cartridge B"], //optional
     "code-version": "YOUR_CODE_VERSION"


Via Visual Studio Code

  1. Ensure dw.json from the step above is configured correctly.
  2. Open Visual Studio Code.
  3. Navigate to Extensions and search for Prophet Debugger by SqrTT and click Install.
  4. In VSCode, open the folder containing your cartridges.
  5. Navigate to File > Preferences > Settings
  6. Search the settings for extension.prophet.upload.enabled.
  7. Set this setting to true.
  8. Restart VSCode.
  9. Select the cloud icon then the ellipses next to CARTRIDGES.
  10. In the drop-down list, select Prophet: Enable Upload.
  11. In Business Manager navigate to Administration > Site Development > Code Deployment.
  12. Choose the version of the code you specified in the dw.json file.

Configure Business Manager

You must make the following changes in Business Manager to complete the installation.

Activate the Bolt Cartridge

  1. Navigate to Administration > Sites > Manage Sites.
  2. Select the site name and navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. Select the correct Instance Type from the dropdown.
  4. In the Cartridges input field, add int_bolt_sfra:int_bolt_core in front of the base cartridge path.
  5. Select Apply.
  6. If you have additional storefronts, repeat steps 2-5 for each.

Authorize Bolt

Bolt will use Account Manager credentials and API client credentials for JWT tokens and OAuth authentication.

  • Contact your CSM and grant dev@bolt.com access to your environments (sandboxes, development, staging, production) in SFRA Account Manager.
  • Share the credentials of the API Client used below with Bolt. Learn more about Site Specific vs. Global Settings.

Configure Open Commerce API Settings

  1. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Open Commerce API Settings.
  2. Navigate to metadata/ocapi folder.
  3. Copy the contents of OCAPIshop.json within Shop Type > Open Commerce API Settings.
  4. Replace <<client_id>> with your client_id.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Copy the content of OCAPIdata.json within Data Type > Open Commerce API Settings.
  7. Select “Global (organization-wide)” from the Context Selection dropdown.
  8. Replace <<client_id>> with your client_id.
  9. Click Save.

Disable OCAPI 404 Response

  • Navigate to Administration > Global Preferences > Feature Switches.
  • Disable Enable OCAPI 404 Response Caching of Dynamic Content.

Import Metadata

You need to import the following metadata for the Bolt integration to work.

  1. Open the cartridge bundle.
  2. Navigate to the metadata/Bolt-meta-import/Sites/RefArch folder.
  3. Rename the RefArch folder to be the same as the ID of your site. If you need to import metadata for multiple sites, take the following steps:
    • a. Copy and paste the RefArch folder to each site.
    • b. Rename those folders to be the same as the ID of corresponding sites.
  4. Open the specific site folder and find the library folder.
  5. Edit the library/library.xml file to change the library-id. If your site uses a private library, then remove the library-id attribute and its value. If your site uses a shared library, then replace the existing library-id ‘RefArchSharedLibrary’ in the XML with your shared library id.
  6. Save the library.xml file.
  7. In the cartridge bundle, navigate to the metadata folder and compress the Bolt-meta-import folder to generate the Bolt-meta-import.zip file.
  8. Navigate to Business Manager > Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export.
  9. Under Import > Upload Archive, ensure that local is enabled.
  10. Select Choose File and select the Bolt-meta-import.zip file.
  11. Select Upload.
  12. Once complete navigate to the Archives list and select the radio button corresponding to Bolt-meta-import.zip.
  13. Select Import.
  14. Select OK from the confirmation box.

Custom Site Preferences

  1. Log into Business Manager.
  2. Navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences.
  3. Ensure the preference group with the ID Bolt Payment Setting is available.
  4. Select Bolt Payment Setting and edit the attributes according to your Bolt account data. For each site, set the values for your site preferences as follows below:
Attribute Datatype Description
Enable Bolt Checkout Boolean Used to enable and disable Bolt payment in the site.
API Key String The merchant account identifier you want to process the (transaction) request with. Get this from the Developers tab in Bolt’s Merchant Dashboard
Signing Secret String This is used to verify the authenticity of requests coming from Bolt. Get this from the Developers tab in Bolt’s Merchant Dashboard.
Publishable Key - Multi-step String Opens the Bolt Payment Popup typically on Shopping cart and product pages. The publishable key is a long string of lower and upper case letters and numbers that consists of three sections. Get this from the Administration > API or the Developers tab in the merchant dashboard. Be sure to use the Dashboard Division configured for Multi-step checkout.
Display Bolt Checkout on the Cart Page Boolean Used to enable or disable the bolt checkout button on the cart page.
Enable Bolt SSO Boolean Used to enable or disable the Bolt SSO.
Enable Bolt Product Page Checkout Boolean Used to enable or disable Bolt Product Page Checkout.
Bolt Partner Merchant String Enum Used internally for Bolt to decide the merchant. Comes preset with default. Make sure it is not set to None.
Bolt Environment String Enum You can set it to either Sandbox or Production. Default value set to Production. Make sure it is not set to None.

Customizing Code

You do not need to modify the base SFRA cartridge for the Bolt integration to work. The file int_bolt_sfra/int_bolt_core follows best practices recommended by Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Checkout Buttons

The Bolt cartridge includes the SFCC native checkout button and Bolt checkout button in the file int_bolt_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/cart/checkoutButtons.isml.
To make the checkout button work on the cart page, add the contents of /js/boltModalConfigure.js to the cart.isml template.


   var assets = require('*/cartridge/scripts/assets.js');
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