📍 Bolt Help / Platforms / Salesforce Commerce Cloud / Salesforce Commerce Cloud - Embedded Accounts / Set Up Bolt Product Page Checkout for SFCC Embedded
Set Up Bolt Product Page Checkout for SFCC Embedded
Install Bolt's Product Page Checkout onto your SFCC Embedded Accounts configuration.

Before You Start

Install a compatible version of the Bolt Cartridge (equal to or newer than 23.5.1).

Set Up in SFCC Bussiness Manager

Step 1: Import Meta Data

  1. Navigate to SFCC Business Manager > Administration > Site Development > Import & Export.
  2. Upload system object type extensions file for product page checkout and import it.
  3. Navigate to Business Manager > Administration > Site Development > System Object Types.
  4. Click into SitePreference, then click on Attribute Grouping tab, find the group with ID Bolt Payment Setting - Embedded, click on Edit and add the boltEnablePPC and sfccBaseVersion attribute ids to this group.

Step 2: Configure Site Preferences

  1. Navigate to Business Manager > Merchant tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences.
  2. Set the following values in preference group Bolt Payment Setting - Embedded:
    • Product Page Checkout: YES
    • SFCC Base Version: The version of SFCC storefront base code (5.x.x or 6.x.x)

Step 3: Configure Open Commerce API Settings

  1. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Open Commerce API Settings.
  2. In the work space, go to metadata-ppc/bolt-meta-import-ppc/ocapi folder.
  3. Copy the contents of OCAPIshop.json within Shop Type > Open Commerce API Settings.
  4. Replace <<client_id>> with your client_id.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Copy the content of OCAPIdata.json within Data Type > Open Commerce API Settings.
  7. Select “Global (organization-wide)” from the Context Selection dropdown.
  8. Replace <<client_id>> with your client_id.
  9. Click Save.

Step 4: Compile and upload product page checkout cartridge

  1. In the work space, go to the root directory of embedded cartridges, which contains the package.json file.
  2. Make sure dw.json file is properly configured and point to the expected SFCC instance.
  3. Run command npm run compilePPC to compile the product page checkout cartridge, then run command upload:sfra_ppc to upload it.

Step 5: Configure Site Path

  1. Navigate to Administration > Sites > Manage Sites and select the Settings tab.
  2. Add int_bolt_sfra_ppc to the cartridge path (before int_bolt_embedded_sfra and your custom storefront base cartridge).


Bolt uses replace mode for Controller Order-Confirm in the int_bolt_sfra_ppc cartridge. If your code also needs to use replace mode for this Controller, apply the PPC-related code in your custom logic. You can find the PPC related code by comparing Order.js file in int_bolt_sfra_ppc cartridge and Order.js file in SFRA base cartridge app_storefront_base.

Set Up in Bolt Division

Reach out to your Bolt Customer Success Manager and ask them to do the following configurations:

  1. Enable the following division features:
    • Pre-auth order creation
    • Universal Merchant API
    • Frontend order creation
    • Cart details side cart
    • Multistep checkout
    • Add Cart Display ID in Transaction View
    • Separate endpoints for shipping calls and tax calls
    • RemoteCheckout Orders
  2. Add a new credential entry for OCAPI Credentials including your SFCC account email, password, and client id and secret.
  3. Provide the version of SFCC storefront base code (5.x.x or 6.x.x) to your Bolt Customer Success Manager.


Bundle Products

To enable product page checkout on a bundled product page, add the addToCartGlobal.isml template file to path [cartridge/templates/default/product/components/] in your app storefront cartridge.

Disable Product Page Checkout for Specific Products

  1. In Business Manager, navigate to Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products.
  2. Search for specific product.
  3. Then, in the General tab, search for attribute Hide Bolt Button PDP and update the value to Yes and save your work.


Product Page Checkout does not support:

  • Product Set Products
  • Quick View Checkout
  • ApplePay on Product Page
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