đź“Ť Bolt Help / Platforms / Netsuite ERP / Operations Guides / Void Transactions for NetSuite ERP Void Transactions for NetSuite ERP How to void transactions for NetSuite. You can void a transaction from either the NetSuite ERP system, or the Bolt Dashboard. The “Void” button in NetSuite ERP’s system is only available when the transaction is put into “Review” state. When a transaction is “Completed” the “Void” button will be removed and you will have to refund the order. Void via NetSuite ERP To void a transaction in NetSuite ERP’s system, go to the transaction’s Sales Order page and select the “Void on Bolt” button near the top of the page. It should be located under the “PENDING FULFILLMENT” order status. Confirm in the browser notification that you would like to void the transaction. When the transaction has successfully been voided, you will get another browser notification that will confirm the void. The page will reload and you will see the order status has changed to “CLOSED”. Select “Bolt” from the sub-navigation menu (it will likely be on the right side, further down the page). You’ll then see the “Order Reference Number”, the “Bolt Reference Number”, and the “Bolt Transaction Token”. You’ll also see the transaction status and more information on the transactions status in Bolt. If you click on the “Bolt Reference Number”, you’ll be taken to Bolt’s “Webhooks” page, which will show you the void transaction event in Bolt’s Dashboard. Void via Bolt Dashboard In the Bolt Dashboard, go to the “Transactions” tab and find the transaction you wish to void. If you are beginning on NetSuite ERP’s system, you can also go to “Bolt” from the sub-navigation menu (it will likely be on the right side, further down the page). You’ll then see the “Order Reference Number”, the “Bolt Reference Number”, and the “Bolt Transaction Token”. You’ll also see the transaction status and more information on the transactions status in Bolt. Click on the “Bolt Reference Number” to be taken to Bolt’s “Webhooks” page, which will show you the transaction event in Bolt’s Dashboard. From there, you’ll see the “Transaction” information page. Select the “Available Actions” button in the top-right corner. Select “Void” from the drop down. Confirm in the modal notification that you want to void the transaction. The order will then show as “voided” in the Bolt Dashboard “Webhook” Events page, as well as “cancelled” in the NetSuite ERP system. Additional Resources Set Up Bolt NetSuite ERP NetSuite ERP Order Status Mapping NetSuite ERP Orders and Transactions NetSuite ERP Order Refunds