📍 Bolt Help / Platforms / Netsuite ERP / Operations Guides / Issue Refunds for NetSuite ERP Issue Refunds for NetSuite ERP How to issue refunds for NetSuite ERP. Merchants should issue refunds from within the NetSuite Console. Bolt recommends using NetSuite’s Official Documentation to complete this action. Cash Sale Refunds Prerequisites Sales order must be captured. Order must be fulfilled and billed. Otherwise, you should void the transaction. Refund a Cash Sale Click to expand. After you have captured, fulfilled, and billed a sales order, you can refund a sale from the NetSuite ERP system. Go to the “Cash Sale” summary page for the sale you want to refund. At the top of the page, there should be a “Refund” button beneath the sales order status, above the order’s “Primary Information” section. Click it. You’ll then be able to edit details of the refund. Click “Save”. After the page refreshes, select “Bolt” from the sub-navigation menu (it will likely be on the right side, further down the page). You’ll then see the “Order Reference Number”, the “Bolt Reference Number”, and the “Bolt Transaction Token”. You’ll also see the transaction status and more information on the transactions status in Bolt. If you click on the “Bolt Reference Number”, you’ll be taken to Bolt’s “Webhooks” page, which will show you the refund event in Bolt’s Dashboard. Refund a Credit Memo Click to expand. Go to the “Invoice” summary page for the sale you want to refund. At the top of the page, there should be a “Credit” button beneath the sales order status, above the order’s “Primary Information” section. Click it. You’ll then be able to edit details of the credit memo. Click “Save”. After the page refreshes, you’ll see a “Refund” button beneath the sales order status, above the order’s “Primary Information” section. Click it. You’ll then be able to edit details of the refund. Select “Bolt” as the “Refund Method”, located in the “Refund Method” tab of the sub-navigation menu (further down the page). Click “Save”. You can then click back through the “Created From Invoice” links to trace back to the original invoice page. From there, if you want to confirm the refund in Bolt’s Dashboard, select “Bolt” from the sub-navigation menu (it will likely be on the right side, further down the page). You’ll then see the “Order Reference Number”, the “Bolt Reference Number”, and the “Bolt Transaction Token”. You’ll also see the transaction status and more information on the transactions status in Bolt. If you click on the “Bolt Reference Number”, you’ll be taken to Bolt’s “Webhooks” page, which will show you the refund event in Bolt’s Dashboard. Additional Resources Set Up Bolt NetSuite ERP NetSuite ERP Order Status Mapping NetSuite ERP Orders and Transactions Void NetSuite ERP Transactions