📍 Bolt Help / Add-Ons
Enhance your customer experience at any point in the checkout funnel with Bolt's add-ons.

Bolt Fraud Protection

for Accounts and Checkout


no code

Bolt's fraud product and review process with our elite scoring methodology.

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Bolt Order Tracking

for Accounts and Checkout


low code

This suite of features enables your shoppers to track orders through SMS updates and a dedicated order tracking page.

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Bolt Payments

for Checkout


no code

Implement Bolt Payments as your payment facilitator.

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Risk Assessment Scoring

for Accounts and Checkout


no code

Learn about how Bolt can identify and assess risk for transactions that are not indemnified by Bolt.

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Shopper Assistant

for Accounts


low code

A widget used to deliver a checkout and cart experience to your shoppers no matter where they are on your site.

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SSO Commerce

for Accounts and Checkout


code required

A suite of shopper identification and login products that allows you to link Bolt Accounts with your storefront.

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Abandoned Carts

for Checkout


code required

Enable one-click checkout directly from shopper notifications with Bolt's Abandoned Cart solution.

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Account Linking

for Accounts


code required

Connect your existing store accounts to Bolt accounts and register new shoppers to your account system with a simple checkbox.

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for SSO and Checkout and Accounts


no code

A code-free feature that allows shoppers to log into Bolt on your store using their mobile device passkey.

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