📍 Bolt Help / Platforms / WooCommerce / Operations Guides / WooCommerce Order Status Mapping WooCommerce Order Status Mapping View platform operations & order statuses for WooCommerce. Page Contents Click to expand. Order Review and Statuses When a user places an order, its initial order status will be Pending payment, which indicates Bolt is reviewing the order. There are four potential statuses the order may take after review: WooCommerce Status Description Bolt Rejected When Bolt suspects the transaction is likely a fraud, Bolt rejects the transaction. In this case, the status will be updated Bolt Rejected. You may either force approve or confirm rejection in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard. Failed When Bolt is confident an order is fraudulent, Bolt irreversibly rejects the transaction. In this case, the status will be updated to Failed. Processing When Bolt approves the order, the status will be updated to Processing. If auto-capture is enabled, payment is captured at this point. Otherwise, the payment will be captured when the invoice is issued. On Hold If Auth&Capture is set for the merchant (funds are captured separately from the authorization), then an order will be placed “On Hold” once it has been authorized. This indicates the merchant can fulfill the order, and once updated to Processing in WooCommerce Bolt will capture the funds.