📍 Bolt Help / Developer Resources / SDKs / iOS WebView SDK Setup / Post-Checkout Customization Post-Checkout Customization Customize your iOS Webview post-checkout experience. Page Contents Click to expand. Once you’ve successfully set up the Bolt iOS SDK for Webview, you can customize your post-checkout experiences. Default Exit Checkout Bolt Checkout in the webview offers an Exit Checkout button seen throughout the checkout process. Once clicked, the onCheckoutClose event is fired. When this happens, the webview is closed, returning the user to the page with the checkout button. Merchants can pass a callback function to take place immediately after this, especially if they want to track analytics, redirect users to different screens in their app, or other shopper workflow use cases. Default Successful Checkout Once the transaction is successful, the onCheckoutSuccess event is fired. Then, by default, the shopper is taken to the Bolt confirmation page. If a merchant would like to show their own confirmation page, place the following code within a callback function that can be passed to Bolt. This way, the merchant will also receive access to the order reference code which can be displayed on the merchant confirmation page. let boltVC = Bolt() // ... // ... .withCheckoutButton(delegate: self) .checkoutPanel() // extension ExampleCheckoutViewController: BoltCheckoutButtonDelegate { func onCheckoutSuccess(didReceive orderReference: String) { print("bolt checkout on success") } // func onCheckoutClose() { print("bolt checkout on close") } } Show Merchant Confirmation Page Upon Success If the merchant would like the Checkout Webview to close upon a successful transaction instead (so the merchant can then show their own confirmation page), you must state this when creating the Bolt View Controller: Let boltVC = Bolt() // ... // ... .withNoConfirmationPage() .checkoutPanel() WARNING By default, .withNoConfirmationPage() is set to true. Next Steps Be sure to thoroughly test your customizations before launching to your iOS application! Please reach out to your Bolt representative if you have any questions or feedback.