Webhook failure notifications provide you a means of tracking and resolving a crucial part of your Bolt integration.
Review Webhook Events
By default, only failing webhooks (Result = FAILED
) display in the hook events tab. Use the following steps to review webhook events:
- Log in to the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.
- Navigate to Administration > Webhooks.
You can review the error message related to the failed webhook by selecting the down-arrow icon and also manually resend the webhook.
Webhook Results Table
The Webhooks table will show a result for every attempted webhook:
- PENDING: The webhook containing the order update has not yet been sent to the order management system.
- SUCCESS: The webhook containing the order update has been sent to the order management system, and the order management system has sent confirmation that the web hook update occurred successfully.
- FAILURE: The webhook containing the order update has been sent to the order management system, but the order management system has rejected the update.
- IGNORE: The webhook containing the order update was sent to the order management system and rejected, but a user has manually indicated that the hook failure should be ignored via the hook failure invalidation process.
- Type: The type of hook that was sent to the order management system.
- Transaction Reference: The 12-digit Bolt ID corresponding to the order with which the hook is associated.
- Result: The current status of the hook, as described in the Webhook Results section above.
- Attempts: The number of times that Bolt has attempted to send the hook to the order management system. For more information on attempts, please see What is a Webhook Failure?
- Last Attempt: The timestamp, in the store’s local time zone, of the most recent attempt to send the hook.
- Action: For successful webhooks, no action will be displayed. For failing webhooks, the action column will display the Resend button.
Webhook Failure Notifications
After 10 failed attempts to sync the webhook to the order management system, Bolt sends the webhook failure email notification. This is because after 10 attempts the probability that the hook will resolve itself without user intervention is low.
Webhook failure notifications are not sent by default. You can enable webhook failure notifications by updating your Email Notifications settings. See How to Manage Users for more information.
Email Contents
- Bolt Environment: Either sandbox, if the hook failure is occurring on your testing environment, or production, if the hook failure is occurring on your live store.
- Merchant: The name of the store on which the hook failure is occurring.
- Division: The name of the division on which the hook failure is occurring (for example. frontoffice, backoffice).
- Web Hook URL: The URL at through which Bolt attempted to send the hook.
- Payment: The 12-digit Bolt transaction ID corresponding to the order with which the failing hook is associated.
- Transaction Time: The date and time, in UTC time zone, at which the order was placed.
- Notification Type: The type of hook that is failing. This informs you which specific information failed to update in the order management system.
- Failures: The number of retry attempts that failed prior to the email notification being sent. This will always show 10 attempts.
- Last Failure Time: The date and time, in UTC time zone, at which Bolt made its most recent attempt to retry sending the hook prior to the email notification.
- Last Failure Reason: The error message returned to Bolt from the order management system, detailing why the hook failed to sync to the order management system. If you are unsure how to interpret the Last Failure Reason and take action on the hook failure, we recommend contacting Bolt Support for assistance.