📍 Bolt Help / Developer Resources / Prepare & Test for Launch / Order Tracking Testing Order Tracking Testing Learn how to test order tracking for your store. Page Contents Click to expand. Use this guide to test the Order Tracking feature of Bolt Checkout and confirm that it is enabled and sending notifications (SMS or Webhooks) during status changes, based on your preferred configurations. NOTE You can only use the Order Tracking Testing feature in Sandbox. Because it is for testing, it’s not available for Production stores. Before You Start Ensure the Order Tracking feature has been set up Set up your API testing tools (e.g., Postman, curl) Create orders to test in your store Initiate Order Tracking Initiating order tracking varies by platform, but all methods require an existing order be created before calling . Adobe Commerce (M2) Go to your storefront’s backend. This is typically located at https://your-store-url.com/backend Navigate to Sales > Orders. Select a transaction to test. Click Ship. Create a new shipment; you can select any carrier. Input a mock tracking number in the Number field. This number must begin with the phrase MockBolt, e.g. MockBolt98765. Continue to the Update Tracking Status. BigCommerce Go to your storefront’s backend. Navigate to All Orders. Find a transaction to test. Click the Action ellipses icon > Ship Items. Select any carrier from the How would you like to ship? dropdown. Input a mock tracking number in the Tracking ID field. This number must begin with the phrase MockBolt, e.g. MockBolt98765. Click Create shipment. Continue to the Update Tracking Status. Custom Cart (Direct API Integrations) Open your chosen API tool (e.g., Postman). Make a POST request to https://api.bolt.com/v1/merchant/track_shipment using all of the following details from a given order. See the API reference for more details. { "transaction_reference": "LBLJ-TWW7-R9VC", "tracking_number": "MockBolt12345", "carrier": "MockBoltShipping", "items": [ { "reference": "1123", "name": "Blue Hat", "total_amount": { "amount": 754, "currency": "USD", "currency_symbol": "$" }, "unit_price": { "amount": 754, "currency": "USD", "currency_symbol": "$" }, "quantity": 3 } ], "is_non_bolt_order": false } Continue to the Update Tracking Status. Update Tracking Status Locate the tracking number created in the previous section (e.g., MockBolt12345). Make a POST request to https://api.bolt.com/v1/shipments/mock_bolt_shipping using the mock tracking number and a new tracking status. See the API reference for more details. { "tracking_number": "MockBolt123456", "status": "delivered", // in_transit, cancelled, failure, or delivered "delivery_estimate": "2022-05-21T14:24:00Z", "tracking_detail": [ { "city": "New York", "state": "New York", "zip": "10044", "country": "USA", "datetime": "2014-08-21T14:24:00Z", "status": "delivered", "message": "BILLING INFORMATION RECEIVED" } ] } Review Results On success, the system sends an empty 200 Success response. Based on your configurations, a successful order tracking event triggers either an SMS or Webhook notification. The SMS notification is sent to the phone number associated with the order when it was created.