📍 Bolt Help / Developer Resources / Error Codes
Error Codes
Learn about error codes for orders, discounts, shipping details, and tax calculations.

You may choose to pass these error codes back to Bolt in Merchant Callback API Responses to trigger appropriate messages for the shopper.

Application Error Codes

Code # Code Text Prompt
4001 AppMerchantSettingsCreate Failed to create merchant settings.
4002 AppMerchantSettingsLoad Failed to load merchant settings.
4003 AppMerchantKeyCreate N/A
4004 AppMerchantKeyLoad Unable to find the entity by key. Please check the key in the request.
4005 AppInvalidJSON Invalid JSON content.
4006 AppUnknownContentType N/A
4007 AppFileUpload Failed to upload the file. Please check the file contents and retry.
4008 AppNonceInvalid The provided nonce value is invalid. Please check the value and retry.
4009 AppNonceExpired The provided nonce value expired. Please retry the request by regenerating a new nonce.
4010 AppMerchantKeyUpdate N/A
4011 AppFileInvalidName Invalid filename provided.
4012 AppNotRightNow N/A

Common API Error Codes

Code # Definition
400 Bad request.
401 Unauthorized user.
403 Forbidden by the server.
404 Resource not found.
409 Concurrent idempotent requests.
429 User sent too many requests and was rate limited by the server.
500 Internal server error.
502 Bad gateway.
503 Server was not ready to handle the request.
504 Gateway cannot get a response and timed out.

Authentication Error Codes

Code # Code Text Prompt
1001 AuthGuestSessionRequired Authentication error. A guest session is required.
1002 AuthInvalidSessionType Authentication error. The provided session type has no access to this resource.
1003 AuthInvalidSessionLevel Authentication error. The provided session level has no access to this resource.
1004 AuthInvalidUserRole Authentication error. Invalid user role.
1005 AuthInvalidMerchantKey Authentication error. Invalid merchant key.
1006 AuthMerchantNotFound Authentication error. Merchant not found.
1007 AuthInvalidNonce Authentication error. Invalid nonce value.
1009 AuthInvalidSessionToken Authentication error. Invalid session token.
1010 AuthUserNotFound Authentication error. User not found.
1011 AuthMerchantKeyMerchantMismatch Authentication error. Merchant key doesn’t match merchant public id.
1012 AuthMerchantKeyDivisionMismatch Authentication error. Merchant key doesn’t match division public id.
1013 AuthUpdateExpirationFailed N/A
1014 AuthInvalidTwilioSignature Authentication error. Invalid twilio signature
1015 AuthUnauthorized Authentication error. Authorization required.

Basic (General) Error Codes

Code # Code Text Prompt
1 EmptyValue A required field is empty.
2 InvalidAmount A valid amount is required.
3 InvalidAutocapture Transaction must match the configured autocapture setting.
4 InvalidCountry A valid country name or country code must be provided.
5 InvalidCreditCardNumber A valid credit card number must be provided.
6 InvalidCurrency A valid currency code must be provided.
7 InvalidEmail A valid email address must be provided.
8 InvalidFormat Invalid field format.
9 InvalidLength Invalid field length.
10 InvalidNumber A valid number must be provided.
11 InvalidPassword The provided password doesn’t match the required format.
12 InvalidPhone A valid phone number must be provided.
13 InvalidPostalCode A valid postal code must be provided.
14 InvalidURL A valid URL string must be provided.
15 InvalidValue A valid value must be provided.
16 NewLine Unexpected new line character in input.
17 InvalidDate A valid date value must be provided.
18 Forbidden This action is forbidden.
21 AmountTooLow The provided amount is lower than required.
22 AmountTooHigh The provided amount is higher than required.
24 NotFound The requested entity was not found.
25 MissingInputParameter The input is missing a required parameter.
26 InvalidInputParameter A parameter provided in the input is invalid.
27 InvalidSignature Invalid signature.
28 ExpiredEntity The entity has expired.
29 InactiveEntity The entity is not active.
30 Unsupported This feature is not supported.
31 ShippingCostTooHigh The shipping cost is too high.
32 CodeAlreadyUsed The code is already used.
33 NoApplicableItem No applicable item found in the request.
34 AlreadyExists The entity already exists.
35 RateLimited Rate limit reached. Please retry after a while.
36 UserNotEligible The user is not eligible for this action.
37 InvalidImageFormat The format of the image is not valid
38 CantChangeRoleOfPrimaryUser N/A
39 NonMerchantRole N/A
40 InvalidRole N/A
41 TooManyRequests Too many requests
42 NonRetryableError N/A
43 NoPoBoxAllowed Shipment to PO Box is not allowed.
44 InvalidAddress A valid address address must be provided.
45 TransactionNotAuthorized Transaction is not in authorized state. Transaction may not have been approved.
46 InternalServerError Internal error
47 BadGateway N/A
48 NoShippingOptionAvailable N/A
49 InvalidTokenType N/A
50 BadRequest N/A
51 BadResponse N/A
19 - Deprecated ErrorWeakPassword N/A
20 - Deprecated ServiceError N/A
23 - Deprecated ErrorMutuallyExclusive N/A

Create Order Error Codes

Respond with specific errors for order.create.

Code Code Name Text Prompt
2001003 CartHasExpired Your session timed out due to inactivity. Please refresh your cart and try again.
2001004 ItemPriceHasBeenUpdated Item details were out-of-date and have been updated, please try again.
2001005 OutOfInventory An item in your cart is no longer available. Please refresh your cart and try again.
2001006 DiscountCannotApply One or more items in the cart are not eligible for discount. Please refresh and try again.
2001008 ShippingPriceHasBeenUpdated The shipping amount for your cart has changed. Please refresh your cart and try again.

Custom Checkbox Error Codes

Code # Code Text Prompt
4013 CustomCheckboxLimitReached Merchant division cannot have more than 3 active Checkboxes.
4014 CustomCheckboxLookupFailed Failed to fetch checkboxes for merchant division.
4015 CustomCheckboxAlreadyExists Checkbox with supplied ID already exists.

Discount Error Codes

Respond with specific errors for discount.code.apply.

Code Code Name Text Prompt
6200 DiscountCodeInsufficientInformation We need more information to apply the discount. Please continue to checkout.
6201 DiscountCodeInvalid Discount code invalid. Please refresh and try again.
6202 DiscountCodeExpired Discount code expired. Please refresh and try again.
6203 DiscountCodeNotAvailable The discount code is not available.
6204 DiscountCodeLimitReached The discount code has exceeded usage limit.
6205 DiscountCodeMinCartAmountRequired The total cart amount is too low for this discount.
6206 DiscountCodeUniqueEmailRequired The email address has already redeemed the discount.
6207 DiscountCodeItemsNotEligible One or more items in the cart are not eligible for discount. Please refresh and try again.
6208 DiscountCodeItemQuantityTooLow The cart does not have enough items to meet the discount requirement.

ErrorApplicationBase Error Codes

Code # Code Text Prompt
1000000 ErrorAuthentication N/A
1000001 ErrorInvalidId N/A
1000002 ErrorInvalidIdentifier N/A
1000003 ErrorProcessing N/A
1000004 ErrorNotFound N/A
1000005 ErrorInvalidState N/A
1000006 ErrorPagination N/A
1000007 ErrorMissingAuthenticationFactor N/A
1000008 ErrorLockedOut N/A
1000009 ErrorDeclined N/A
1000010 ErrorInvalidReference N/A
1000011 ErrorDeclinedInvalidAmount N/A
1000012 ErrorDeclinedInvalidCvv N/A
1000013 ErrorDeclinedInvalidNumber N/A
1000014 ErrorDeclinedExpired N/A
1000015 ErrorDeclinedCallIssuer N/A
1000016 ErrorDeclinedInvalidMerchantForCard N/A
1000017 ErrorInvalidWebhookType N/A
1000018 ErrorDuplicateCreditCardTransaction N/A
1000019 ErrorTransactionHasDisputes N/A
1000020 ErrorRefundDeclined N/A

Card Tokenization Error Codes

Code Description
1000 Card number required
1001 Expiration required
1002 CVV required
1003 ZIP required
1003 Postal code required
2000 Invalid card number
2001 Invalid expiration
2002 Invalid CVV
2003 Invalid ZIP
2003 Invalid postal code
3000 Unsupported card network
3001 Card expired

Merchant Cart Error Codes

Code Code Name Text Prompt
6300 MerchantCartUnknownError An unknown error occurred when fetching the cart.
6301 MerchantCartOutOfStock An item in your cart is no longer available. Please refresh your cart and try again.
6302 MerchantCartInvalidSize The sizes for some of the items are invalid.
6303 MerchantCartInvalidQuantity The quantities for some of the items are invalid.
6304 MerchantCartInvalidReference The references for some of the items are invalid.
6305 MerchantCartInvalidAmount An item in your cart has been updated. Please refresh your cart and try again.
6306 MerchantCartExpired Your session timed out due to inactivity. Please refresh your cart and try again.
6307 MerchantOrderAlreadyExists Your order may have been placed. Please check your email for an order confirmation. If you did not receive an email please refresh this page and retry checkout.

Shipping and Tax Error Codes

Respond with specific errors for order.shipping_and_tax.

Code Code Name Text Prompt
6100 IntegrationInvalidAddress Delivery is not available for this order.
6101 IntegrationNoPoBoxAllowed Address with P.O. Box is not allowed.
6103 IntegrationCustomShippingTaxError custom error message