📍 Bolt Help / Integrations / Alternative Payment Methods / Enable Apple Pay for Shoppers Enable Apple Pay for Shoppers How to enable Apple Pay for Bolt Checkout. Page Contents Click to expand. Enable your shoppers to take advantage of their Apple Pay account during checkout. Unsure which alternative payment methods to set up? See all supported alternative payment methods. Availability Platform Support Click to expand. Platform Supported Products Custom Cart / Direct API Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Currently in beta. Adobe Commerce / Magento 2 (Adobe acquired the Magento brand in May 2018.) Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Supported for both our Legacy Managed Checkout plugin and the new API Managed Checkout plugin. BigCommerce Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Native Payment method supported. Check method not supported. Magento 1 Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Magento officially stopped supporting Magento 1 on June 30, 2020. Salesforce Commerce Cloud SFRA Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Bolt allows checkout integrations for site built with SFRA (Salesforce Resource Architecture). Supported for SFRA v1.0, SFRA 2.0, and SiteGenesis. Salesforce SiteGenesis Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. SiteGenesis is no longer actively supported or updated by Salesforce. WooCommerce Supported for Bolt Managed Checkout. Feature Support Click to expand. Feature Supported Token-based Authentication Yes. Private / Public Key-based Authentication Yes. OAuth Authentication Yes. Payment Settings Not supported. Tokenization Not supported. Idempotency Not supported. Authorization Window Not supported. Manual Capture Yes. Auto Capture Yes. Multi Capture Yes. Partial Void Yes. Multi Refunds Yes. Async Refunds Not supported. Currency: USD Yes. Currency: CAD Yes. Currency: AUD Yes. Currency: EUR Yes. Currency: GBP Yes. Bolt Managed Checkout Yes. Bolt Embedded Checkout Not supported. Bolt Remote Checkout / Checkout Everywhere Not supported. Bolt Mobile SDK Yes. Requirements Domain Verification Apple requires that your website use HTTPS, with a valid SSL certificate, TLS 1.2 support, and a unique IP with no redirects. Merchants must re-verify their domain with a new certificate when changing domains. Reach out to Bolt Support to get your domains re-verifed. Certificate Expiration Bolt will manage your domain verification (SSL) certificate on your behalf. When your certificate is about to expire, Bolt will reach out to you and begin the process to renew it. In the rare event your certificate expires, the Apple Pay button will immediately be removed from Bolt Checkout to prevent broken shopper experiences. Pre-Authorization A pre-authorization workflow is required to use Apple Pay. This is due to Apple’s requirement of an order token to initiate payment. Pre-Existing Apple Pay Setups To use Apple Pay with Bolt, you may have to contact both your platform and processor representative to disconnect your pre-existing Apple Pay integration. Processor Enablement Bolt Payments Click to expand. Merchants who use Bolt Payments for processing do not need to complete any additional steps. Third-Party Processors Click to expand. Apple Pay is available with the following processors: Adyen: Reach out to your Adyen representative and state that you would like to enable the Apple Pay payment method with a third party Apple Developer account (Bolt). Authorize.net: Reach out to your Authorize.net representative and state that you would like to enable the Apple Pay payment method with a third party Apple Developer account (Bolt). Braintree: Reach out to your Braintree representative and state that you are using Bolt to implement Braintree's Apple Pay decrypted server side solution. Then, request that Braintree enables Apple Pay for your account _without_ registering a domain (Bolt verifies the domain). This step can only be completed by an internal Braintree representative. Radial: Reach out to your Radial representative and state that you would like to enable the Apple Pay payment method with a third party Apple Developer account (Bolt). Stripe: Reach out to your Stripe representative and state that you would like to enable the Apple Pay payment method with a third party Apple Developer account (Bolt). Workflow Shopper selects Apple Pay and initiates first shipping & tax call; merchant obtains zipcode, country code, state, region, and placeholder phone number. Shopper authorizes the transaction; merchant obtains shopper’s name, email, phone, street address. Bolt validates using a second shipping & tax call. Bolt forwards information to Apple Pay authorization endpoint. Platform Setup BigCommerce Click to expand. The following steps apply only to those using Bolt’s native BigCommerce integration (released December, 2020). Log into BigCommerce. Navigate to Store Setup > Payment Methods > Digital Wallets. Choose Apple Pay. Select Set up. Save. If you previously provided Apple Pay for your shoppers using a different processor, you may have to disable that payment method first before activating Apple Pay with Bolt. Magento Commerce Click to expand. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get assistance with setting up Apple Pay. SFRA Click to expand. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get assistance with setting up Apple Pay. WooCommerce Click to expand. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get assistance with setting up Apple Pay. Direct API Click to expand. Consumer Data Apple Pay provides minimal consumer data until authorization time. Bolt receive’s the following information: Shopper’s Phone Number: received during initial shipping API call Shopper’s Name, Email, and Address: received during the tax calculation API call Example Response { "request_source":"applePay", "order_token": "<token>", "cart": { "total_amount": 10000, "currency": "USD", "items": [ { "reference": "1", "name": "item name", "total_amount": 10000, "unit_price": 10000, "tax_amount": 0, "quantity": 1, "sku": "1" } ], "tax_amount": 0, "order_reference": "<ref>", "display_id": "<display_id>" }, "shipping_address": { "street_address1": "n/a", "postal_code": "94103", "locality": "San Francisco", "region": "California", "country_code": "US", "country": "United States", "name": "n/a", "first_name": "n/a", "last_name": "n/a" } } Limitations The Apple Pay button must appear below Bolt Checkout due to security restrictions set by Apple. Styling customizations are limited to black and white stylings. Does not currently support split shipping and tax. Apple Pay is not available for Product Page Checkout. Transaction Amount Limits Check with your Apple Pay account representative to verify transaction minimum and maximum limits. Styling Options You can change the style of the Apple Pay button by passing in one of the follow classes to the checkout button div: Black Button, White Text: with-apple-pay-black White Button, Black Text: with-apple-pay-white White Button, Black Border: with-apple-pay-white-with-line