📍 Bolt Help / Integrations / Alternative Payment Methods / Enable Google Pay for Shoppers
Enable Google Pay for Shoppers
How to enable Google Pay for Bolt Checkout.

Enable your shoppers to take advantage of their Google Pay account during checkout. You can either set up Google Pay for Bolt Payments, or for another PSP (Braintree, Adyen, Authorize.net, or Stripe).

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Enable for Bolt Payments

If you already use Bolt Payments, follow the instructions below.

Before You Start

  • Reach out to your Bolt CSM or to Bolt Support to notify them that you intend to use Google Pay for Bolt Payments.

Add Google Pay to Bolt Checkout

  1. Log in to the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.
  2. Under Settings, select Payments.
  3. Find Alternative Payment Methods and click Add Google Pay.
  4. Provide the following information:
    • Merchant Name
  5. Fill in division settings.
    • Select your transaction currency and set a range for minimum and maximum tansaction amount.
  6. To enable Google Pay in checkout immediately, set the Enable in Checkout toggle to on.
    • If you aren’t ready to make Google Pay visible yet, leave the toggle off.
  7. Select Complete set up in the top-right corner.

Enable for Non-Bolt PSPs

If you are not using Bolt Payments, please follow the instructions below to set up Google Pay in your Bolt Checkcout.

Before You Start

Complete the following before you enable Google Pay with Bolt:

  • Set up your Google Pay account and request production access.
  • Enable Google Pay with your payment services provider (PSP).
  • Receive domain authorization from Google.

Prepare Google Pay Account Information

Step 1: Request Google Pay Production Access


If you already use Google Pay, follow these steps to submit a new request using Bolt’s domain. For the three images of the buyflow that you’ll provide, you can use the same ones from your initial request, which are accessible in the Google Pay dashboard.

  1. Log into the Google Pay Console and navigate to Google Pay API.
  2. Click Get Started.
  3. Review and agree to the terms of service.
  4. Below Integrate with your website, click + Add website.
  5. In Your website, enter connect.bolt.com.
  6. In Integration type, select Gateway.
  7. Upload screenshots of your buyflow:
    • Item selection: You’ll provide an image of the user’s browsing experience.
    • Pre-purchase screen: You’ll provide an image of the cart page.
    • Payment method screen: Use the Bolt-provided image: Sample of Payment method screen.
    • Google Pay API payment screen: Use the Bolt-provided image: Sample of Google Pay API payment screen.
    • Post-purchase screen: You’ll provide an image of the order confirmation page.
  8. Click Continue.

Step 2: Enable Google Pay with your Payment Services Provider (PSP)


  1. Log into your Braintree Control Panel and navigate to gear icon > Processing > Payment Methods and toggle Google Pay to on.
  2. Then, follow the instructions below to Set Up Google Pay in your Bolt Dashboard.


  1. Notify your Adyen representative that you would like to enable the Google Pay payment method.
  2. Then, follow the instructions below to Set Up Google Pay in your Bolt Dashboard.


  1. Notify your Authorize.net representative that you would like to enable the Google Pay payment method.
  2. Then, follow the instructions below to Set Up Google Pay in your Bolt Dashboard.


  1. Notify your Stripe representative that you would like to enable the Google Pay payment method.
  2. Then, follow the instructions below to Set Up Google Pay in your Bolt Dashboard.

Step 3: Receive Domain Verification from Google

Continue with setup after you receive confirmation from Google that your domain is authorized.

Step 4: Set Up Google Pay in the Bolt Dashboard


Reach out to your CSM or Bolt Support to enable this feature.

Obtain Google Pay Keys

  1. Log into the Google Pay Console.
  2. Locate your Merchant Name and Merchant ID at the top of the screen.

Obtain PSP Keys

When you enable Google Pay in Bolt, you’ll need to provide the following additional keys from your PSP:

PSP Details
Adyen If you’re not yet live with Bolt, provide your Merchant Account Name.
Stripe Publishable Key

Refer to your PSP’s help documentation for help finding these keys.

Add Google Pay to Bolt Checkout

  1. Log in to the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.
  2. Under Settings, select Payments.
  3. Find Alternative Payment Methods and click Add Google Pay.
  4. Provide the following keys:
    • Merchant ID
    • Merchant Name
  5. Fill in division settings.
    • Select your transaction currency and set a range for minimum and maximum tansaction amount.
  6. To enable Google Pay in checkout immediately, set the Enable in Checkout toggle to on.
    • If you aren’t ready to make Google Pay visible yet, leave the toggle off.
  7. Select Complete set up in the top-right corner.


Depending on your PSP, your Google Pay setup screen may require additional information to customize how the integration works.

Manage Google Pay

Manage Division Settings

After you link your Google Pay account, configure how Google Pay works for each division.

  1. Log in to the Bolt Merchant Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Payments.
  3. Find Alternative Payment Methods and click Manage Google Pay.
  4. Adjust the division settings and click Update.

Switch or Disconnect Google Pay Account

Follow the steps in Switch or Disconnect Account.


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