📍 Bolt Help / Products / Bolt Ignite 🔥 / API V3 Implementation
API V3 Implementation
Step-by-step guide to install Bolt Ignite throughout your storefront.


These are the steps that you will follow in this guide to integrate Ignite APIs throughout your storefront. Completion of these steps will accomplish integration of Ignite into your login and account creation pages, forgot password flow, and checkout process - all without changing your existing UX.

Enhance Login and Registration

  • Install the Bolt Embed Script to every page your shoppers interact with Bolt to help us provide insights back to you, and to power portions of the Bolt experience at every step of the shopper’s journey on your site.
  • Add the Bolt Login Modal anywhere a shopper can enter their email address so Bolt can authenticate shoppers and handle account lookup or creation.
  • Add the Bolt Login Button to enable quick passwordless login and account creation
  • Add the Signed in Status Banner to help shoppers understand your partnership with Bolt and the value they get from being part of the Shopper Network
  • Implement the Merchant Login Callback APIs
  • Call the Bolt Login, Account, and Payment APIs

Enhance Payments

  • Add the Bolt Payment Field component to take advantage of Bolt’s out-of-the-box credit card tokenization, which ensures you’re able to process payments with Bolt and store the most up to date shopper information back to your customer database
  • Add the Account Creation Checkbox to the payment step of your checkout process to increase account creation back to your customer database

Choose your backend SDK

We recommend using a Bolt SDK to complete backend integration requirements.

Don’t see an SDK in your preferred language? Let us know as we might already support it. You may also call our backend APIs with any HTTP library.


Choose this if your backend is written in Typescript

Get Started ›


Choose this if your backend is written in C#

Get Started ›


Choose this if your backend is written in Go

Get Started ›

Step 1: Install the Bolt Embed Script

To use Ignite, install the Bolt Embed Script in the head of all your pages.

Script Options

 <!--Place this inside your <head> tag-->

Base URL

Click to expand.

Publishable Key

Click to expand.

Initialize the Bolt Client

The Bolt client must be initialized before using any components.

// Consider wrapping this code in a reusable function
if (Bolt != null) {
} else {
  document.head.querySelector("#bolt-embed").addEventListener("load", initBolt, { once: true });

function initBolt() {
  const boltPublishableKey = YOUR_KEY;
  // start using Bolt


Because you’re loading the Bolt ignite script as an async external package, the timing of when the script loads and the execution of your scripts is not guaranteed. So thats why you need to check and see if the Bolt global client object exists first. Otherwise, wait for the script to load before usage.

Step 2: Add the Bolt Login Modal

The Login Modal is how Bolt authenticates shoppers. This component should be added anywhere a shopper enters their email address on your site.

Common Placements

Click to expand.

OTP Modal Component

This component should be attached to all email fields, and it will automatically detect emails typed into them. This is called Automatic Email Detection.

If an email is recognized as a Bolt Account, they are prompted to input a one-time verification code (OTP) into the Login Modal or use a Passkey.


Start by initializing Bolt with your publishable key.

Create the login modal and attach it to your email field.

  async function initBolt() {
    const loginModal = Bolt.create("login_modal");

    await loginModal.attach("#email-form-group", { context: "checkout" });

    Bolt.on("login_succeeded", (loginSuccessResponse) => {
      // Use the results to call the Bolt OAuth endpoint in your backend

    Bolt.on("login_failed", (loginFailResponse) => {
      // Error means the user either dismissed the modal, or there was an error

<div id="email-form-group">
  <input type="email" />
interface LoginSuccessResponse {
  email: string;
  result: {
    authorizationCode: string;
    scope: string;
    state?: string;

interface LoginFailResponse {
  email: string;
  result: Error;

The Login modal will automatically pop up when a Bolt-recognized email is entered. When the proper credentials is entered, login will be completed and the event login_succeeded and login_complete (success state) will be fired.

The authorization code received from the Login Modal will enable your store to receive the necessary OAuth access tokens. These OAuth tokens will provide your store access to Bolt Account APIs. To enable your store to access Shopper Account data, see the OAuth reference for more information.

The store frontend should send the authorization code to your store backend and exchange the authorization code for the appropriate OAuth tokens using the OAuth Token endpoint.

Take careful note of handling successful authorization. You should only use authorization results once.

Implement Passwordless Forgot Password Flows

Add the Login Modal to your Forgot Password flow to save shoppers the hassle of recovering or resetting their password.

If a shopper forgets their password, your site might have a “Forgot Password” button to direct them to reset their password. Improve this experience by allowing them a chance to do passwordless login instead.


Attach this to your forgot password button in all of your sign in screens.


  async function initLogin(customerEmail) {
    // Same code as above...

    Bolt.on("forgot_password_continue", ({ context }) => {
      // Proceed to your normal Forgot Password flow

<div id="email-form-group">
  <input type="email" />

  <button type="button" id="forgot-password">Forgot password</button>

If the shopper completes the Passwordless Forgot Password flow, a login_success event will fire. Otherwise, listen to forgot_password_continue event to proceed to reset password the shopper’s password as normal.

Additionally, if your shopper enters their passowrd incorrectly more than once, launch the login_modal to allow them to access their account without resetting or recovering their password.

Step 3: Add the Bolt Login Button

The Bolt Login Button is used to offer shoppers a quick and passwordless signin experience at multiple points during the shopping journey, including during account registration, account login, and checkout. Different variations of this button will appear depending on the login context.

On Sign In and Account Registration Pages

The login button will automatically mount below email fields that you have attached the Login Modal to if you used the Login modal with the default settings (autoDetectEmail is enabled by default).

Alongside Checkout Steps

The Autofill button is a variation of the Login button that allows the shopper to launch the Login modal at any point in checkout (dependent on your placement of the button).


Even when mounted, the Autofill Button button only appears if a shopper is recognized, but they declined to sign in at an earlier step.


Mount this component to an element in the top-right corner of checkout steps, specifically after the Payment step.


To enable, call mountPasswordlessLoginButton whith the shopper email and a query selector target, which specifies where to mount the button.

await Bolt.getComponent("login_modal").mountPasswordlessLoginButton(

Step 4: Add the Bolt Signed in Status Banner

Signed in with Bolt


The “Signed in with Bolt” button indicates to the shopper that they have successfully signed into your store and Bolt via their credentials and may now enjoy the benefits of their accounts. When clicked, this banner will display information about having a Bolt account.


Place this button near the top of your Checkout pages to indicate to the shopper they are signed in with Bolt.


const loginStatusComponent = Bolt.create("logged_in_with_bolt");
await loginStatusComponent.mount("#logged-in-with-bolt-container");

Step 5: Implement API Requirements

To facilitate seamless communication between your store and Bolt, five core APIs must be implemented on your platform.

A successful implementation of Bolt Ignite integrates two categories of API requirements:

  1. Merchant API requirements: Merchant-hosted endpoints that Bolt calls to get and update shopper data within your system.
  2. Bolt API Requirements: Bolt-hosted endpoints that your store will use to get and update data from Bolt.

When integrating with our APIs, consider the possibility of API changes and upgrades in the future. Bolt guarantees backwards compatibility with all our APIs, however new features may be added to existing APIs which can come with added response fields. Stay up-to-date with our releases for major change announcements.

Implement the Merchant Callback APIs

The Merchant Callback APIs are custom implementations that you must build on your cart platform, that Bolt will send requests to in relation to as part of the shopper lifecycle.

Build the Get Account Endpoint

Click to expand.

Build the Upsert Account Endpoint

Click to expand.

Call Bolt Login, Account, and Payment APIs

These Bolt-hosted APIs will be called by your platform during the checkout flow. We’ll only highlight the most important API endpoints to get you running, but you should refer to our full API documentation for additional capabilities to support your unique checkout needs.

Build the OAuth Login Endpoint

Click to expand.

Build the Account Details Endpoint

Click to expand.

Build the Authorize Payment Endpoint

Click to expand.

Step 6: Add the Bolt Payment Field Component

Use our customizable Payment Fields for Bolt’s out-of-the-box credit card tokenization.

Payment Fields Component

Add payment fields to your store’s front end to leverage Bolt’s out-of-the-box credit card tokenization and enable Bolt account creation. Follow our Component Style Guide to completely customize this component’s inputs to match your site.


Mount the payment fields component at the payment step of your checkout:

  const paymentComponent = Bolt.create("credit_card_input");

  document.querySelect("#submit-payment").addEventListener("click", () => {
    const tokenize = await paymentComponent.tokenize();

    // store these results for the final authorize payment

<section id="payment-section">
  <div id="credit-card-fields"></div>

  <button id="submit-payment">Continue</button>

Then, call paymentComponent.tokenize() when you are ready to retrieve a token for the entered payment information. It contains all the info necessary to populate the payment_method field in the Payment API.

Step 6b: Tokenize a credit card with Non-Bolt payment component

If you’d rather use your own credit card components, you will still need to tokenize credit cards for account creation when using the Payment API.

  cc: "4111111111111111",
  cvv: "123"


  "token": "8cd1076e7e48d781aba75bf3c5c0861a85fe7a020b8e0a7c5dd582c16d64c8a3",
  "expiry": 1729026748389,
  "last4": "1111",
  "bin": "411111",
  "network": "visa"

Step 7: Add the Account Creation Checkbox

Add Bolt’s Account Creation Checkbox to the payment step of your checkout process to increase account creation back to your customer database and Bolt’s Shopper Network; this ensures that your shoppers gain access to Bolt’s One-Click Checkout on subsequent visits to your store.


When a shopper is not using one-click checkout and does not have a Bolt account, you should render Bolt’s account creation checkbox to collect their consent to create a Bolt account and store account, if applicable. If they accept, this enables a one-click checkout experience the next time they return to your store.

Shopper Experience

During checkout, shoppers without a pre-existing Bolt account have the option to opt out of creating one. Bolt provides an embedded component for collecting consent and displaying terms and conditions.

Compact View of the Create Account Component

Mount the checkbox at your payment or review step of your checkout.

const shouldCreateBoltAccount = true;

const accountCheckboxComponent = Bolt.create("account_checkbox", {
  merchantName: "ABC Store",
  defaultValue: shouldCreateBoltAccount,


  (checked) => (shouldCreateBoltAccount = checked)

You can build logic to determine the visibility of the checkbox based on whether the shopper is logged into their Bolt account as well as whether their email address is already associated with a Bolt account. For example:

const shopperEmail = ""; // This is the email the shopper entered during checkout
let hasBoltAccount = false;
let isSignedIntoBolt = false;

Bolt.on("account_check_complete", ({email, result}) => {
  hasBoltAccount = email === shopperEmail && result;
}, { replayLast: true });

Bolt.on("login_succeeded", ({email}) => {
  isSignedIntoBolt = email === shopperEmail;
}, { replayLast: true });

Bolt.on("logout", () => {
  isSignedIntoBolt = false;

function onPaymentStep() {
  if (!hasBoltAccount || !isSignedIntoBolt) {

When calling Bolt’s Payment API for guest shoppers, pass the create account value as part of the guest payment request.

In the sample code, adding { replayLast: true } allows you to get results from the last login event. This is useful if you have a single page application with hot reloading. For example, you wish to conditionally show a profile widget based on if the user is Bolt logged in or not. You can rely on the login event as opposed to writing your own state management for Bolt.