📍 Bolt Help / Products / Ignite 🔥 / API Implementation / Endpoints / Get Existing Merchant Account
Get Existing Merchant Account
Merchant-hosted API that allows Bolt to validate whether a shopper has an existing merchant account using their email address

A merchant-hosted API endpoint that Bolt uses when authenticating a shopper to determine whether an account exists within your store.


Bolt uses this API during the shopper login, registration, and checkout user flows prior to displaying the Login Modal to a shopper.

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper enters email Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: Lookup shopper email Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper has a valid existing Bolt Account Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper has existing Bolt Account Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: Merchant Account exists? Bolt Backend-->>Merchant Backend: Check Merchant for existing Account Merchant Backend-->>Bolt Backend: True || False note over Bolt Backend: Sends shopper SMS or email OTP Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Displays Login Modal

Request Payload

Bolt will send a POST Request with the following payload which includes shopper’s email address.

  "event": "account.get",
  "data": {
    "email": "robert.weir@example.com"


Using the shopper’s email address, merchants should query their shopper database to determine whether an existing shopper account exists within their sytem. Bolt expects a 200 response with “success” or “failure” response in following format:

  "status": "success"

Request Verification

All requests sent from Bolt are signed by HMAC to ensure authenticity. You must verify these request signatures using the Signing Secret found in your Merchant Dashboard > Developers > API > Keys.

$hmac_header = $_SERVER['X-Bolt-Hmac-Sha256'];

function verify_webhook($payload, $hmac_header) {
  $computed_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, BOLT_SIGNING_SECRET, true));
  return ($computed_hmac == $hmac_header);
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