📍 Bolt Help / Products / Bolt Ignite 🔥 / API V3 Implementation / Styling / Payment Component Styling - Version 2 Payment Component Styling - Version 2 Style Bolt's payment fields to match your branding. Page Contents Click to expand. WARNING Bolt has released a new version of our styling methodology, found in our [Component Styling]({{ ref “style-components-v3” }}) guide. This version of Component Styling will only affect the components listed in our Payment Fields guide. Implementation Insert the following script to your frontend into the </head> or at the end of the closing </body> tag. Edit the default values, or add more arguments and properties as desired. Script This script contains four components you can customize to fit your styling needs: Component Description styles An object that you can configure to change the appearance of the checkout fields. field An object containing bolt.create(), which creates the checkout fields. This function enables configuration of payment fields as arguments. field.on() An optional function that takes blur or focused as arguments. Use these functions to blur and focus fields as users click on them. field.mount() Takes the div where you want to embed the Bolt checkout modal as an argument. <script> const styles = { "version": 2, // required "fontFamily": "Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", "labelTextColor": "#767676", "focus": { "borderColor": "#3b5998", "labelTextColor": "#767676" }, "hover": { "borderColor": "#3b5998" }, "borderRadius": "3px", "labelFontStyle": "italic", "labelFontWeightSmall": "400" } const field = bolt.create("credit_card_input", { styles: styles, listeners: listeners, expiryType: "separated-dropdown", // "separated-dropdown", "separated-text", "combined" labelStyle: "floating", // "floating", "in-field", "outside-field" showBillingZIPField: false, // true, false cardIconAlignment: "right" // "left", "right" }); field.on("focus", () => { console.log("focused"); }); field.on("blur", () => { console.log("blurred"); }); field.mount("#credit-card-input-target"); // change #credit-card-input-target to match the id of your store's frontend input field </script> `bolt.create` Arguments Click to expand. The following table represents arguments you can pass to the bolt.create function to customize the checkout fields. Argument Description Accepted Values expiryType Combines or separates credit card month/year input fields. separated-dropdown separated-text separated-dropdown-numerical combined labelStyle Controls where the label belonging to a checkout field will appear. floatingin-field outside-field showBillingZIPField Shows or hides billing zip field. Boolean. cardIconAlignment Moves credit card provider icon to the left or right of the card number field. leftright showFieldMissingErrors Displays error messages when a selected field is left empty after the shopper clicks off the field. Boolean. `style` Properties Click to expand. The following is a list of all configurable CSS properties for the styles parameter: Property Example fontFamily Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif inputTextSize 12px inputTextColor #000000 inputPaddingSize 12px 0 labelTextSize 9px labelFontStyle italic labelFontWeight 300 placeholderTextColor #808080 errorTextColor #FF0000 errorFontWeight 600 errorFontSize 11px warningTextColor #FFA500 warningFontWeight 600 warningFontSize 11px borderSize 3px borderStyle none none solid none borderRadius 0 For the hover, focus, filled, disabled, filledDisabled, error, and warning selectors, the following properties are available: backgroundColor borderColor labelTextColor Examples The following assets show how and where checkout field properties appear, based on the type of field. In-Field Label Click to expand. In-Field Label Floating Label Click to expand. Floating Label Outside Label Click to expand. Outside Label Error Handling Click to expand. Error Handling Expiration Date Click to expand. Expiration Date Underlined Field Style Click to expand. You can customize payment fields to only have a single line below each field using border element styles. <script> const styles = { ... "borderStyle": "none none solid none", "borderRadius": "0", ... } ... </script>