📍 Bolt Help / Products / Bolt Ignite 🔥 / API V3 Implementation / Endpoints / Upsert Shopper Account In Your System Upsert Shopper Account In Your System Allows Bolt to provide shopper account data that should be inserted or updated in your shopper account database. Page Contents Click to expand. Overview A merchant-hosted API endpoint that Bolt uses after a shopper has authenticated via the Bolt Login Modal. Bolt provides the shopper’s Bolt Account data which may be used to either create a new account (if no account exists in your system for that email address) or enrich an existing shopper account with the shopper’s Bolt Account data. sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Displays Login Modal Shopper->>+Bolt Embed.js: Submits OTP or Passkey Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: OTP or Passkey Valid? note over Bolt Backend: Validates OTP or Passkey Bolt Backend-->>Merchant Backend: Upsert (Update or Insert) Bolt's shopper data in Merchant's system Merchant Backend-->Merchant Backend: Creates or Updates the shopper account in merchant system Merchant Backend-->>Bolt Backend: Success Request Detail HTTP Method: POST Request Verification: Requests sent from Bolt are signed by HMAC to ensure authenticity. You must verify these request signatures using the Signing Secret found in your Merchant Dashboard > Developers > API > Keys. $hmac_header = $_SERVER['X-Bolt-Hmac-Sha256']; function verify_webhook($payload, $hmac_header) { $computed_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, BOLT_SIGNING_SECRET, true)); return ($computed_hmac == $hmac_header); } Request Payload: { "event": "account.create_complete", "data": { "account_details": { "addresses": [ { "first_name": "Jerome", "last_name": "Garcia", "company": "Warlocks & Co", "street_address1": "535 Mission St, Ste 1401", "street_address2": "c/o Shipping Department", "locality": "San Francisco", "postal_code": "94105", "region": "CA", "country_code": "US", "email": "jerry@example.com", "phone": "+14155550199", "is_default": true } ], "payment_methods": [ { ".tag": "credit_card", "billing_address": { ".tag": "id", "id": "D4g3h5tBuVYK9" }, "network": "visa", "bin": "411111", "last4": "1004", "expiration": "2029-03", "token": "a1B2c3D4e5F6G7H8i9J0k1L2m3N4o5P6Q7r8S9t0" } ], "profile": { "first_name": "Jerome", "last_name": "Garcia", "email": "jerrye@example.com", "phone": "+14155550199" } }, "customer_data_id": "5FEB9028D" } } Merchant Response Details Using the shopper’s email address, merchants should query their shopper database to determine whether an existing shopper account exists within their sytem. If no shopper account exists, they should create a new account with the data provided by Bolt. Otherwise, if a shopper account already exists, merchants may enrich their shopper account data with the profile, address, and payment data provided by Bolt. Expected Response Format { "status": "success", "data": { "customer_data_id": "<your customer shopper id>" } }