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Ignite API Sequence Diagrams
Bring your own UI and enhance shopper experiences with Bolt Ignite Accounts, Bolt Ignite Checkout, and our shopper single sign-on flow.

Login & Registration

Pre-Existing Bolt Account

Bolt Ignite allows shoppers to quickly login or create an account. Once Bolt’s embed script identifies that a shopper’s email is associated with a Bolt account, Bolt’s Login Modal facilitates a passwordless login experience.

If the shopper already has an account with your store, you may use Bolt to log the shopper into their account. Otherwise, if the shopper does not yet have an account with your store, Bolt will share a shopper’s Bolt account information with you to allow for a quick and easy registration process.

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper enters email Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: Lookup shopper email Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper has valid existing Bolt Account Bolt Backend-->>Merchant Backend: Checks for existing merchant account Merchant Backend-->>Bolt Backend: True || False note over Bolt Backend: Sends Shopper SMS or Email OTP Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Inform if account was found Bolt Embed.js->>Shopper: Displays Login Modal Shopper->>+Bolt Embed.js: Submits OTP or Passkey Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: Transfer OTP or Passkey note over Bolt Backend: Validates OTP or Passkey Bolt Backend-->>Merchant Backend: Upsert (Update or Insert) Bolt's shopper data in merchant's system Merchant Backend-->>Bolt Backend: Success Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Returns an authorization code and scope Bolt Embed.js->>Merchant Frontend: Returns an authorization code and scope Merchant Frontend->>Merchant Backend: Auth code and scope Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Get Bolt OAuth access token Bolt Backend->>+Merchant Backend: Return Bolt OAuth access token (JWT) Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Get Bolt's OIDC Config and RSA Key Bolt Backend->>+Merchant Backend: Returns Bolt RSA Key note over Merchant Backend: OIDC Validation complete after Bolt JWT is validated Merchant Backend->>Merchant Frontend: Render logged-in view

Without an Existing Bolt Account

When a shopper attempts to login or create a new shopper account with your store, Bolt Ignite will determine if the shopper’s email is not yet associated with a Bolt Account. Shoppers will have a choice to either proceed with the standard account creation or use the Bolt Passwordless Sign-In Button to initiate the passwordless authentication flow.

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper enters email Bolt Embed.js->>Bolt Backend: Lookup shopper email Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper has a valid existing Bolt Account Bolt Backend->>Bolt Embed.js: No Bolt Account exists Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Selects the Bolt Passwordless Sign-In Button note over Bolt Embed.js: Contiue OAuth and OIDC API flow


Pre-Existing Bolt Account: Checkout

Existing Bolt Account users are eligible for a one-click checkout. If a shopper has already used Bolt to authenticate into their store account (using the flow above), the Bolt OAuth Access token is used to retrieve a shopper’s Bolt Account data and populate the checkout.

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Shopper selects the checkout button Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Fetch Bolt Account details with OAuth token Bolt Backend->>+Merchant Backend: Returns Bolt Account data Merchant Backend->>Merchant Frontend: Render a one-click checkout view

Otherwise, if a shopper has not yet authenticated through Bolt, the exact same Bolt JavaScript components and APIs that are documented above in the login and registration flow are used to log the shopper into the their Bolt Account. When shoppers sign into their Bolt Account during checkout, you may use the shopper’s Bolt Account information to create a new shopper account in your store.

Without an Existing Bolt Account: Checkout

When a shopper has not yet created a Bolt account, they’ll proceed through the standard checkout flow of your store. After entering their payment information, shoppers are able to choose whether they would like to save their information and create a Bolt account.

Account Login with the Bolt Passwordless Sign In Button.

Processing Payments

With a Bolt Provided Payment Method

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Fetch Bolt Account details with OAuth Token Bolt Backend->>+Merchant Backend: Returns Bolt Account data Merchant Backend->>Merchant Frontend: Render a one-click checkout view Shopper->>Merchant Frontend: Pays with Bolt provided payment method Merchant Frontend->> Merchant Backend: Authorize Payment Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Authorize payment with a credit card ID note over Bolt Backend: Payment authorized using Bolt Payments or your existing gateway Bolt Backend->>Merchant Backend: Payment authorization response Merchant Backend->>Merchant Frontend: Shopper redirected to confirmation page

With a Shopper Provided Payment Method

sequenceDiagram participant Shopper participant Merchant Frontend participant Merchant Backend participant Bolt Embed.js participant Bolt Backend Merchant Frontend->>Bolt Embed.js: Create and mount the Payment Fields Component Shopper->>Bolt Embed.js: Enters credit card details Shopper->>Merchant Frontend: Submits order Merchant Frontend->>Bolt Embed.js: Generate Bolt credit card token Bolt Embed.js->>Merchant Frontend: Bolt token (valid for 15 Minutes) Merchant Frontend->> Merchant Backend: Authorize with Bolt token Merchant Backend->>Bolt Backend: Authorize payment with a Bolt token note over Bolt Backend: Payment authorized using Bolt Payments or your existing gateway Bolt Backend->>Merchant Backend: Payment authorization response Merchant Backend->>Merchant Frontend: Shopper redirected to confirmation page.