📍 Bolt Help / Products / Checkout / Bolt Checkout Direct API Integration Guide Bolt Checkout Direct API Integration Guide Learn the basics of setting up a direct API integration using our PHP library. Page Contents Click to expand. TIP Use this guide to set up a direct API Bolt Checkout flow on your website using our PHP library. Pre-requisites You must have a Bolt Merchant account to begin. If you do not yet have an account, contact sales to begin onboarding. API Keys You must have access to your merchant account’s production and sandbox keys to set up this integration. Both admin and developer-level roles have access to keys; if you are a developer and you do not have access, reach out to your Bolt Admin. Login to the Merchant Dashboard. Navigate to Administration > API. Scroll to API Keys and click the eye icon to reveal your keys. NOTE The Publishable Key supports the multi-step checkout use case by default. To build other checkout flows such as Payment-Only, switch divisions using the Division dropdown. The publishable key is a long string of lower and upper case letters and numbers that consists of three sections. Environments You must have all of the following merchant accounts set up to build, test, and deploy your integration: Sandbox: https://merchant-sandbox.bolt.com Staging: https://merchant-staging.bolt.com Production: https://merchant.bolt.com WARNING Never share your API Keys or Signing Secrets externally. PHP Examples Use your API keys and environment URLs to set up your config.php and init_example.php configurations. The following examples can be downloaded from our PHP library. config.php <?php return [ 'API_KEY' => '{{YOUR_API_KEY}}', 'IS_SANDBOX' => true, 'AUTH_CAPTURE' => true, 'SIGNING_SECRET' => '{{YOUR_SIGNING_SECRET}}', 'PUBLISHABLE_KEY' => '{{YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}}', 'PUBLISHABLE_KEY_PAYMENT_ONLY' => '{{YOUR_PAYMENT_ONLY_DIVISION_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}}', 'CONNECT_SANDBOX_BASE' => 'https://connect-sandbox.bolt.com', 'CONNECT_PRODUCTION_BASE' => 'https://connect.bolt.com', 'API_SANDBOX_URL' => 'https://api-sandbox.bolt.com', 'API_PRODUCTION_URL' => 'https://api.bolt.com' ]; init_example.php <?php require(dirname(__DIR__) . '/init.php'); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Data.php'); $config = require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'); // Set configuration data for example \BoltPay\Bolt::$apiKey = @$config['API_KEY']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$apiPublishableKey = @$config['PUBLISHABLE_KEY']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$apiPublishablePaymentOnlyKey = @$config['PUBLISHABLE_KEY_PAYMENT_ONLY']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$signingSecret = @$config['SIGNING_SECRET']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$isSandboxMode = @$config['IS_SANDBOX']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$authCapture = @$config['AUTH_CAPTURE']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$connectSandboxBase = !@$config['CONNECT_SANDBOX_BASE'] ?: $config['CONNECT_SANDBOX_BASE']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$connectProductionBase = !@$config['CONNECT_PRODUCTION_BASE'] ?: $config['CONNECT_PRODUCTION_BASE']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$apiSandboxUrl = !@$config['API_SANDBOX_URL'] ?: $config['API_SANDBOX_URL']; \BoltPay\Bolt::$apiProductionUrl = @$config['API_PRODUCTION_URL'] ?: $config['API_PRODUCTION_URL']; How to Integrate with Bolt Checkout Generate an order token by sending a POST request to /v1/merchant/orders. Install the Checkout Button on your storefront using /v1/checkout_button. Build out your Merchant Callback API to interact with the Bolt API and handle various operations for the order, such as: Providing shipping options Calculating taxes Validating applied discounts Pre-authorizing an order Listen for webhook events related to the order’s changing transaction status. Sections in This Guide How to Create a Bolt Order Token Learn how to build a request that initiates checkout using a token. How to Install the Checkout Button Learn how to install the BOlt Checkout button, which initiates the Bolt CHeckout experience from anywhere in your store. 1 article About the Merchant Callback API Learn how to connect and communicate with your Merchant Callback API. How to Set Up Pre-Authorization Learn how to create and test pre-authorization order flows. How to Set Up Hook URLs Learn how to configure Hook URLs in the Bolt Merchant Dashboard. How to Set Up Shipping & Tax Endpoints Learn how to build and send shipping and tax payloads to Bolt Checkout. How to Apply Discounts How to call the Merchant Callback API and verify discount codes submitted by a shopper. Use Webhook Events for Bolt Checkout Subscribe to transaction webhooks to receive transaction updates for Bolt's Checkout Product.