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Access Statements
Learn about Bolt's statement types, available to merchants who use Bolt Payments.

Bolt offers merchants three types of statements to use for reporting and reconciliation:

Bank Transfer Statements

Bank transfer statements are daily reports of settled transactions that were included in a bank transfer. Use them to reconcile bank statements and analyze fee data.

Transaction Event Statements

Transaction event statements include all transaction events and can be exported in daily or monthly reports, and in CSV or PDF format. Use them to review transactions and payment methods, and analyze activity by division.

Dispute Statements

Dispute statements are monthly reports of disputed transactions and their status. Use them to track, manage, and reconcile your disputes.

Comparing Statement Types

The bank transfer and transaction event statement types both detail money movement, so which should you use? Take a look at the information included in each statement type:

Column Description
Transaction Reference Bolt’s 12-digit unique identifier for a transaction.
Order ID The unique identifier for a transaction provided by your e-commerce platform.
Activity Date The date-time of order event creation.
Time Zone The time zone for the activity date.
Event Type The type of event.
Amount The net settlement amount after deducting fees.
Currency A three-letter ISO code for the currency associated to the amount.
Gross Amount The total settlement amount before deducting any applicable fees.
Gross Amount Currency A three-letter ISO code for the currency associated to the gross amount.
Exchange Rate This is the exchange used to convert the amount in original purchase currency to a corresponding amount in settlement currency (USD).
Payment Method The payment method used for the transaction (types listed below). This will be empty for funding or adjustment events.
State The purchaser’s state.
Network If the payment method is payment_card, the card network.
Column Description
Transaction Reference Bolt’s 12-digit unique identifier for a transaction.
Order ID The unique identifier for a transaction provided by your e-commerce platform.
Activity Date The date-time of order event creation.
Time Zone The time zone for the activity date.
Event Type The type of event.
Amount The net settlement amount after deducting fees.
Currency A three-letter ISO code for the currency associated to the amount.
Subtotal Amount The amount of purchased goods. Does not include shipping, taxes, or discounts.
Shipping Amount The cost of shipping for this purchase.
Tax Amount The amount of tax for this purchase.
Discount Amount The amount of discount applied to this purchase.
Discount Description A description of the applied discount.
Exchange Rate This is the exchange used to convert the amount in original purchase currency to a corresponding amount in settlement currency (USD).
Payment Method The payment method used for the transaction (types listed below). This will be empty for funding or adjustment events.
State The purchaser’s state.
Network If the payment method is payment_card, the card network.
Merchant Division The merchant division associated with this event.