📍 Bolt Help / Tags / woocommerce-plugin-releases woocommerce-plugin-releases ← Back to Releases Home Start January 18, 2024 WooCommerce Plugin 2.20.0 # New Added support for WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage. Improved Fixed issue where a null or failed response from Bolt’s server causes a page rendering error. Resources See the items in this release here. See the repo changelog here. Learn how to implement Bolt’s WooCommerce Plugin here. # q4-2023 # checkout # woocommerce-plugin-releases November 29, 2023 WooCommerce Plugin 2.19.0 # New Added support for WooCommerce FedEx Shipping. Added support for WooCommerce ShipperHQ. Improved Fixed compatibility issues with multiple third-party plugins which we already support, including: WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro RouteApp WooCommerce Smart Coupons Fixed issue where subscription was showing as an undefined index. Fixed issue with Load Bolt PaymentOnly key on non-checkout page. Fixed issue where plugin attempts to get() session value before WC()->session is initiated, which returns WC()->session as null and causes errors for subsequent calls on WC()->session. Orders no longer duplicate when payment fails once. Resources See the items in this release here. See the repo changelog here. Learn how to implement Bolt’s WooCommerce Plugin here. # q4-2023 # checkout # woocommerce-plugin-releases February 2, 2023 WooCommerce 2.18.0 # The New The plugin now supports Wholesale for WooCommerce. Bug Fixes Fixes issue where order statuses were not properly updated when payment was completed. Resolves issue where the plugin returned a null customer value when applying a coupon via the Bolt modal. Prevents issue where adding an item to a cart with a cart fee results in a checkout error. The plugin now correctly reflects Amazon Pay and Paypal order refunds as In Progress. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q1-2023 November 4, 2022 WooCommerce 2.17.0 # The New Now supports Free Gifts for WooCommerce plugin. Now supports WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin. Bug Fixes Fixes issue where WordPress administrator index page threw an error related to the Bolt plugin. Fixes undefined constant BoltCheckout\id. Fixes issue where negative fees were treated as discounts. Resolves issue where merchants could not sync order meta data between WooCommerce and Route. # q4-2022 # woocommerce-plugin-releases July 25, 2022 WooCommerce 2.16.0 # The New WooCommerce now supports Single Sign-On for shoppers. See WooCommerce Setup Guide to set up SSO on your store. Added support for WooCommerce Store Credit Added support for WooCommerce CheckoutWC Sidecart Added Advanced Shipment Tracking Plugin support Bug Fixes Tax now properly calculates for tax-exempt merchants using AvaTax Merchants can now track the start_checkout event using Klaviyo # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q3-2022 March 16, 2022 WooCommerce 2.15.0 # The New Now uses WooCommerce native session instead of Bolt cart session Requires enablement in the Bolt Admin Dashboard Separate shipping and tax endpoints Requires enablement in the Bolt Admin Dashboard Added support for Bolt order management Added support for WooCommerce’s Shipment Tracking plugin Added support for non-Bolt orders Added support for the following third party plugins: Route WooCommerce Side Cart Discount Rules for WooCommerce v2 PW WooCommerce Gift Cards The Bug Fixes The callback function in the Bolt plugin is now only triggered for Bolt orders. Variation attributes of cart items are now consistent and complete. See this guide to update your plugin. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q1-2022 April 21, 2021 WooCommerce 2.14.1 # The Bug Fixes Resolved an issue where shoppers were unable to add or remove YITH gift cards. Improved compatibility with third party modules by verifying that the WC()->session is properly initialized when callback functions are invoked. This resolves the error Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q2-2021 March 4, 2021 WooCommerce 2.14.0 # The New WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing is now supported. Dynamic Pricing lets you define pricing rules based on products, order totals, roles, and product categories. WooCommerce Extra Shipping Options add-on is now supported. With WooCommerce Extra Shipping Options, you can add a variety of fields and options to shipping rates with conditional logic. WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments is now supported. Conditional Shipping and Payments allows you to conditionally disable any shipping or payment option on your WooCommerce store. WooCommerce Discount Rules are now supported. This plugin helps you to create any type of bulk discounts, dynamic pricing, advanced discounts, percentage discounts, product based discounts, tiered discounts for your products. WooCommerce AvaTax is now supported. With Avatax, you can use Avalara’s tax codes to automatically calculate the appropriate tax for each order based on your store address and the customer address. Custom Fields are now supported. The Improved Improved the stability of WooCommerce Store Credit The Bug Fixes Resolved issue where shoppers were unable to edit item quantity in cart when the cart’s quantity is greater than the number of items stocked. Resolved issue where removing items from the cart when a threshold discount is applied causes an error. Resolved issue where the UPS API was unable to recognize region codes sent by the Bolt plugin. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q1-2021 October 13, 2020 WooCommerce 2.13.1 # Fixed: Resolved issue where errors would display incorrect messaging to end-users. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q4-2020 September 29, 2020 WooCommerce 2.13.0 Release # Improved: Updated discount description format Fixed: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium Fixed: Resolved an issue that can cause Bolt checkout button to not display Fixed: Resolved a cart amount mismatch issue when store credit of Smart Coupons is applied from WooC native checkout page Fixed: Resolved an issue can cause cart loading error when cart item property value is too long # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q3-2020 August 19, 2020 WooCommerce 2.12.0 Release # Fixed: Resolved issue where products with properties that exceeded 1024 characters would not render in the checkout modal. Fixed: Resolved issue where product add-ons with variants (such as color) could not be removed from a shopper’s cart. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q3-2020 July 9, 2020 WooCommerce 2.11.0 Release # Fixed: Resolved issue with exception handling when the Merchant’s API key is not set. Fixed: Resolved issue where Bolt’s cart javascript would interfere with existing actions/triggers on WooCommerce, causing the checkout button to not display. Improvement: Added split shipping and tax API functionality. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q3-2020 June 17, 2020 WooCommerce 2.10.0 Release # Fixed: Resolved issue with placing back-office orders for shoppers without a Bolt account. Fixed: Resolved issue with displaying APM/PayPal transactions within the WooCommerce Dashboard. # woocommerce-plugin-releases # q2-2020 End ← Back to Releases Home