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Ignite 🔥
Maintain your own UI and enhance existing shopper experiences with Bolt Ignite. Ignite brings the power of the Bolt Shopper Network to your account login, account creation, and checkout flows to drive a seamless, high converting checkout and passwordless account access experience for your shoppers.
Set Up SFCC for Bolt
Upload the cartridge and install code snippets.
Set Up Ignite SSO for SFCC
Install Bolt's Ignite SSO Commerce product onto your SFCC Embedded Accounts configuration.
Account Creation Checkbox
Allow shoppers to opt out of Bolt Account creation.
API Implementation
Step-by-step guide to install Bolt Ignite throughout your storefront.
Global Frontend Events
Hook into Bolt events with `Bolt.on` and `Bolt.once` methods
Ignite SDK Implementation
Step-by-step guide to install Bolt Ignite via SDK to your storefront.
Ignite API Sequence Diagrams
Bring your own UI and enhance shopper experiences with Bolt Ignite Accounts, Bolt Ignite Checkout, and our shopper single sign-on flow.
Login Modal and Email Detection
Enable Bolt Shoppers to login to their Bolt Accounts on your store frontend.
SDK Errors & Error Handling
A list of error codes and how to deal with them.
A comprehensive list of components needed to install the Bolt Ignite package.
A comprehensive list of endpoints needed to install the Bolt Ignite package.
Login Button
Allow shoppers to authenticate their session as a Bolt user to accelerate login and checkout.
A comprehensive guide describing how to style components in the Bolt Ignite Package.
Fetch OAuth Token
Exchange the authorization code for an access token and a refresh token that enable you to access Bolt Account APIs.
Payment Fields
Add Bolt's payment fields component to leverage the Bolt Tokenizer.
Access Shopper Data
Access Bolt Account data via Bolt Oauth authorization.
Signed In Button
Allow shoppers to confirm that they are signed into their Bolt Account.
Component Styling - Version 3
Style Bolt's payment fields and other components to match your branding.
Payment Component Styling - Version 2
Style Bolt's payment fields to match your branding.
Authorize Payment
Authorize payments for shoppers with or without Bolt Accounts.
Backoffice Operations
Send transaction lifecycle updates via Bolt Transaction APIs.
Use Webhook Events (Optional)
Subscribe to transaction webhooks to receive transaction updates.
PayPal for Accounts Implementation Guide (Optional)
Learn how to enable tokenized PayPal payments for your Accounts implementation.
Implement Data Event Tracking (Optional)
Collect analytics data on checkout funnel events.
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