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June 6, 2024

SFRA Order Status Mappings Have Changed #

The New SFRA order statuses have changed to better reflect each order’s state within the SFRA dashboard. See the table below for the new order status mappings.

SFCC order status SFCC payment status SFCC Export Status SFCC Confirmation Status Bolt Status Description Previous SFCC order status
Created Not Paid Not Exported Pending The order is created in Bolt but is under fraud review. Payment is not yet captured. New / Open
Failed Not Paid Not Exported Rejected_irreversible The Bolt transaction is rejected for fraud. Cancelled
Created Not Paid Not Exported Not Confirmed Rejected_reversible The transaction is suspected of being fraudulent, but the merchant may force override the decision. New / Open

See SFRA Order Status Mapping to view all order scenarios and their corresponding statuses.

December 4, 2020

Salesforce SFRA 20.6 #

The Discontinued

  • Deprecated BoltDummyOrder usage from cartridge.

October 1, 2020

Salesforce SFRA 20.5 Release #

  • Added: Ability to Ship to Store
  • Added: new endpoint(GetOrderToken) to support Mobile Devices

September 11, 2020

Salesforce SFRA 20.3.0 Release #

  • Added: Discount code usability in the Bolt Checkout modal.
  • Added: Split shipping & tax support.
  • Added: Support for Bolt’s v2 webhooks.

July 9, 2020

Salesforce CC SFRA 20.2.0 Release #

  • Added: SFRA now supports Bolt’s pre-authorization workflow.
  • Added: Merchants can now implement the faster Checkout Button V2.
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